What to do if you cannot kill the enemy back line | Day 3/30

2 min readSep 3, 2017


We’ve all been in a situation where we are playing the front line and we simply cannot kill the enemy back line. If we charge into the back line we will die instantly and not do enough damage to the enemy to get them low. What can you do to make yourself relevant in team fights?

There are a few different things you can do in this situation, but to aid and provide context, here is the scenario:


The first thing that i can do is to peel back for my ADC who is behind us and protect him from the Hecarim who is preparing to leap onto our ADC. With me going back to protecting him it will prevent Hecarim from using his ultimate and make him safer. However, in this situation it isn’t the right thing to do. This is because the enemy Hecarim is not very scary and our Twitch is in a rather safe position and out of danger. He is also quiet near us, so if he was to engage on him, we could easily turn and help him.

Another thing that we can do is to go in. This would be the ideal thing in this situation as the enemy Jinx is way out of position. As we can see she is standing next to her front line which is the wrong place to be. We can exploit this miss-positioning and focus her. Jarvan in this situation isn’t very strong but he does have a lot of armor and health, so going in on this Jinx for the kill is the main idea, however because we lack damage we will have to fall back after doing our initial burst and rotation.

In general there are three different things you can do;

  1. Peel for your ADC
  2. Go in and die
  3. Go in and then fall back

When learning League of Legends, there are many different roles and champions to play and learn. Muscle memory plays a huge part in the game and learning what to do and when can sometimes be challenging especially for beginners. It may take some time to learn patterns and what you should be doing and when- particularly in tricky situations where one mistake can cost a game.

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