Why You Should Dodge More | Day 29/30

3 min readSep 29, 2017


Dodging is part and parcel of League of Legends and it is important to use your dodges wisely. If you did not know, dodging for the first time of the day is -3LP and a 6 minute delay. Each dodge after the first is a longer delay and more LP cost. It is important to dodge games that seem to be lost in champion select due to reasons such as trolls, off meta picks and toxicity. It’s important to dodge these games because you will lose out more in the long run.

If will be prepared ed to dodge one game because we had a troll on our team, and I will gladly lose 3LP for it. The reason behind this is that I am saving myself stress from playing with this troll, i’m also saving time and I’m also saving League points. I would personally rather lose 3 points compared to losing 19. There are also a lot of other personal things that you can gain from dodging.

Depending on the person you are and how good you are at League some of these games you think are unwinnable will actually be winnable and some dodges will be not needed. However in some cases the struggle of playing a 4 versus 5 is not worth the hassle. The problem is, if you have somebody who is negatively going to affect you in the game- it is going to be a hard game. This will be made harder because it is an unfair match.

I will not tell you when to dodge, however there are some rules I go by;

1) If I have a troll pick. If one of my teammates is wanting to play it off meta pick such as Tristana jungle I will immediately dodge.This is not worth my time and I’m not playing with somebody who wants to try out such a silly pic. I’ve taken the -3 points and typing for a bit of jungle next game.

2) I have a Yasuo. Not hating on the champion, but people in my ELO don’t know how to play him. If he gets through the ban phrase and I see my teammate lock him in. I will instinctively go to a opgg and search his summoner up. If he is on a loss streak, or overall a bad yasuo- I’m dodging.

3) I have the same teammates from last game. This depends on your ELO, the higher you are the more likely it is that you are going to get the same teammates as before. If you lost with those teammates, or you saw that somebody was feeding or playing bad. I’m going to dodge, I don’t want to lose more LP because of these players.

4) ChampSelect Flamers. If somebody is already being negative in selection phase I will not play with them. This is because, they are already putting you behind because of their toxicity. Going into this game is going to negatively affect you and your team because you have somebody who wont stop talking and flaming.

5) The enemy team comp is good. If the enemy has a really good team fight comp, or a composition that would be hard to play against. I might dodge to save myself the stress of playing against them.

This guide is not intended to be toxic or tell what you should do. All I am saying is, dodging is much more efficient than wasting your time and wasting your league points. You’ve worked hard for your points, so why should one person ruin it for you. Take the Dodge, prepare for the next game and good luck.

Hi there, I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you did, maybe you’d like to show your support by checking out my Twitch channel. I stream very frequently and if you have any questions about this guide or improving at League of Legends, please come by some time and ask me a question or two. Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you soon :) PS, I’m Diamond 1 if that helps.

