Why you SHOULD Mute Toxic Players | Day 16/30

2 min readSep 16, 2017


Muting people has been part of League of Legends for a long time, and some players do not use the button for its intended purpose. Here are some reasons why you should use the mute button in League of Legends.

It Shuts Players Up

This is main purpose of the button, to ignore them and not see their messages. This means you can focus on the game and play as normal as possible and continue playing without seeing their negative or toxic attitude. If nobody is giving that toxic player a rise, then he will stop talking because nobody is responding to him, this means that he should continue playing the game.

It Stops You From Tilting

When we see toxic people we often get tilted and feel like the game is over. This is because one person on my team is not playing and instead focusing on talking. This is not always the case, but you can simply ignore that person’s actions and behaviour by muting them. This will prevent you from tilting because you will not see their horrible messages.

Stops You Replying to Them

Sometimes games can get heated, and everybody has a potty mouth. We have all said something that we regret in this game in the heat of the moment where somebody pushed us too far. Replying to these players is pointless because it will not change their attitude. Instead, mute them so you do not see the messages and it will prevent you from being triggered and wanting to respond to them.

You can focus on yourself and not them

Moving on from not replying to them- ignoring them will allow you to focus on the game rather than responding to them. A lot of time is spent reading their messages and writing a reply. Just don’t respond to them as you will be missing out on map awareness, vision and CS.

You Can’t Get Banned For Replying

Finally, if you have a bad mouth like them, mute them so you don’t start being the flamer too. It is very hard to keep your mouth shut in some situations. Not replying to them will mean that you do not say anything negative, and riot’s system will not flag you up for toxicity. You won’t get banned, but that player might.

I felt it was rather self-explanatory to mute players however I was wrong. I know that players would rather talk back or try to reason with the player in question. It is not worth your time reasoning with them, instead focus on your own gameplay and what you can do to win, instead of giving fuel for their fire.

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