Alex Rock
1 min readDec 12, 2017


Share exact way to setup this test. Otherwise this is useless and not apples/apples. Symfony has a compiled container in cache highly optimized and other things “real” apps need enabled by default.

I get the psychological appeal of Laravel being “more performant” but I don’t build real apps on a raw Laravel with a few less lines of code.

Just to come back to serious things:

If you want clear benchmarks, please provide full applications with APIs, big event workflows, validation, etc., that could be as much framework-agnostic as possible in order to just copy/paste the logic from one app to another. Fabien only talked about benchmarks made by someone else on, and there is nothing said about the used codebase. Oh wait, they’re all there:

If you want you can make benchmarks yourself, but be faire: create a Symfony 4.0 project, create a Laravel project, paste both code bases, fix each framework’s config because they’re not the same, and use something like Gherkin/Behat tests that are identical on both applications.

If you have something that complex, maybe yelling at Fabpot because you don’t like Laravel to be mentioned as “Slower than {whatever}” will become useless.

I might laugh at loud if performances are equal, by the way. Or if Laravel is effectively slower. Or Symfony. Whatever, actually. Doesn’t matter. It won’t stop developers from saving themselves from heavy lazy SQL queries…

