PikcioChain TestNet has Launched!

3 min readJun 30, 2018


Dear Community,

We’re delighted to announce that the TestNet for Pikciochain has been deployed!

This is an important step on our journey towards building the number one blockchain project for the handling and exchange of personal data.

So what does TestNet mean for Pikciochain going forward?

The launch of TestNet will enable us to validate and test critical features of the Pikciochain platform in preparation for MainNet next month.

The Pikciochain TestNet will allow us to test the following vital features of the Pikciochain ecosystem:


TestNet will allow us to put the infrastructure through its paces. The TestNet infrastructure is composed of 6 master nodes located in Europe.

PKC Native Token:

A beta version of the PKC native token is being used on TestNet (not the NEO/NEP-5 token). This token has no value and is only for testing purposes. The goal is to prepare and test the technology for when we have an agreement in place to release the token on our own Pikciochain network.

Consensus Algorithm:

For now, the consensus algorithm used on TestNet is Proof of Work. The aim is to update the TestNet with our proprietary consensus algorithm Proof of Usage in July.

This will allow us to test the Proof of Usage algorithm with a native Pikciochain token. The aim of PoU is to build an incentive model for data owners and running it on TestNet will allow us to optimise the algorithm and the structure of incentives.

Smart Contract Builder:

The Smart Contract Builder is a tools suite for anyone to be able to create, test and publish a smart contract on Pikciochain. The Pikciochain TestNet will allow people to test these tools and test smart contracts before publishing them on MainNet.


The Pikciochain SDK allows developers to use the features of Pikciochain easily through an API. We aim to open the TestNet infrastructure to the development community so they can develop some apps and test the technology (The process to become a part of the development community is in process). An updated version of the open source Pikciochain SDK will be published in July.

Pikciochain Accelerator

The Pikciochain Accelerator will help companies build their MVP on Pikciochain. The Pikciochain TestNet aims to be available and reliable infrastructure for these companies to develop and test their use cases (via SDK, Smart Contract Builder etc.) without having to deploy their own infrastructure.

Data Certification and Validation

Using TestNet we can enhance our data collection and data certification process.

KYC/TokenSale Wallet

The TestNet beta version of the KYC Wallets (Android and Desktop) are being tested over TestNet.

What’s next for Pikciochain?

Stay tuned as over the next week we will release information on how our community can interact with TestNet and what steps they can take to help us test critical features.

Next month is a big month for Pikciochain. We will be releasing the MVP Android version of the Pikciochain Wallet.

Not only that but MainNet will also go live next month! It’s full steam ahead and we’re excited to share with you everything we’ve been working on in the coming months.

For more information about PikcioChain,

Visit our website,

And join our community.

Warm regards,

The PikcioChain Team

