Multiple Strategy Cake Vaults: Gain Stable and High APY on Pinecone

4 min readSep 13, 2021


Pinecone Finance is a next-gen yield optimizer protocol on BSC focusing on single asset mining. By providing users with multiple farming strategies including unique double-layer compounding strategy, as well as anti flash loan attack mechanisms, we aim to provide DeFi users with high returns while minimizing risks.

Holders of PCT tokens can enjoy sustainable income through profit sharing from various sources, including performance fee (BNB) and transaction fee (PCT).

Pinecone protocol users (farmers) will also receive PCT tokens when they deposit their assets on Pinecone. At present, 7 staking vaults are available on Pinecone, which includes BUSD, USDT, BTC, ETH, BNB, Cake, and Alpaca. And all of them can be double-mined to obtain double benefits. Staking in any of these vaults will let you earn the stated token plus Pinecone native token PCT.

The Pinecone Token (PCT) has a max supply of 1,000,000,000 and will be released in a dynamic manner correlating to the earnings of Pinecone protocol. For every 1 BNB earned through the performance fee, 4,000 PCT are minted. In the token distribution plan, liquidity mining accounts for as much as 78%. On Pinecone, the benefits of the project team, DAPP users and investors are tightly bonded together. Currently, Cake vaults are most noteworthy among the 7 staking vaults.

Cake Vault (Pancakeswp + Biswap) vs Cake Vault (Pancakeswap)

The CAKE vaults on Pinecone are created by special and advanced strategies. The CAKE Vault using Pancakeswap — Biswap strategy offers high APY, while CAKE vault using Pancakeswap strategy offers more stable earning. The two vaults can satisfy various people’s needs based on their different risk-return appetites.

The Strategy behind CAKE (Pancakeswap-Biswap) vault

​​The yield of Cake (Pancakeswap-Biswap) vault is generated through converting the Cake profit generated from Pancakeswap Cake pool into BSW and depositing into BSW pool on Biswap.

The final APY depends on the Cake APR offered at Pancakeswap and the BSW APR offered at Biswap, as well as the live conversion rate between two tokens, hence it can fluctuate from time to time.

x = Cake Daily APR (NaN%)

y = BSW Daily APR (NaN%)

S = Total Reward

1 Day Reward = x(1+y)

2 Days Total Reward = x(1+y) + x(1+y)²


n Days Total Reward = x(1+y) + x(1+y)² + …. + x(1+y)^n

S = x(1+y)[(1+y)^n — 1] / y

x(1+y), the initial investment into BSW vault on a daily basis, is very small in the beginning, hence the APY of our Cake vault will be very close to the APY in Cake pool on Pancakeswap from the beginning, and it will take a while to realize the compounding effect. The actual earning is also affected by the conversion rate between Cake & BSW.

The Strategy behind CAKE (Pancakeswap) Vault

The yield of CAKE (Pancakeswap) vault is generated by reinvesting CAKE profits in Pancakeswap CAKE Pool itself. So it will continue to generate exponential returns. The frequency of auto compounding could be up to 48 times a day depending on the TVL.

Currently we also give extra no.of PCT per block on top of the PCT minted based on 30% of the performance fee. Deposit now to enjoy high APY!

How to Participate

  • Claim the rewards anytime you want except that there is 0.5% withdrawal fee within 72 hours if you withdraw your principals. Reminder: the longer you stake, the more you earn considering the auto compounding policies on Pinecone.

About Pinecone

Pinecone Finance is the next generation of yield optimizer protocol on BSC with the aim of making yield farming more rewarding, sustainable and effortless. Pinecone aims to provide farmers with a sustainable, silky and safe project experience. So users can stake their crypto assets in order to receive passive income. It has been audited by PeckShield and Beosin. Certik audit is in progress.

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Pinecone is a Yield Aggregator protocol and our team is dedicated to making investment in DeFi world simpler, easier and hassle-free than never before.