PCT Staking Pool Attack Compensation Plan

1 min readAug 19, 2021


Pinecone’s PCT staking pool was attacked at 11:41:19 AM UTC on August 18. In order to make up for all the losses of investors, the following compensation plan are now provided:

1. As of 09:30 AM UTC on August 19, the project team and investors held a total of 4.91 million tokens. After discussing with the team, early investors and advisors overnight, everyone decided to overcome the difficulties together and use all tokens to compensate users

2. In order to take into account fairness and efficiency, and to ensure all investors are compensated properly, the specific distribution are as follows:

· PCT staking pool: the project team will make up for all the lost PCT amount by August 21, totaling 3.53 million

· PCT holders: all the wallet PCT holders counted at 09:30 AM UTC on August 19th will be compensated through daily airdrop, based on the current PCT staking pool yearly APR 542%, daily APR 1.5%, until the deposit function of the PCT staking pool is restored. Due to the complexity of data collection and calculation, the airdrop is scheduled to start on August 21. The specific time will be notified in advance.

· The remaining part will be given out as further compensation through the PCT staking pool, shared by all pool users. This will be implemented after the deposit function of the staking pool back to normal.




Pinecone is a Yield Aggregator protocol and our team is dedicated to making investment in DeFi world simpler, easier and hassle-free than never before.