Squirrel Ambassador Program

3 min readSep 14, 2021


We are very pleased to see that Pinecone has received overwhelming support and recognition from a growing number of investors. To fully unleash the potential of the community, we’ve decided to kick off our Squirrel Ambassador Program in Pinecone, with an aim to guide people participating in the early stage of this project in a fair and transparent manner.

The Squirrel Ambassador Program is specifically designed to foster the rigorous development of the Pinecone community, by recruiting potential Pinecone lovers who can offer invaluable resources to help co-build our community, the driving force of a successful project. Users who apply for this plan will also enjoy extra reward in return.

Squirrel Ambassadors will be a close and long-term partner for cooperation with Pinecone and will help build and maintain the Pinecone brand featuring ingenuity and meticulous workmanship. Squirrel Ambassadors can offer valuable resources for Pinecone in return for PCT tokens or other forms of awards.

If you would like to join the community building of Pinecone, come and apply for a Squirrel Ambassador now.

What do you need to do as a Squirrel Ambassador:

We hope that Squirrel Ambassadors could make the following contributions to Pinecone, including but not limited to:

1. Publicity Resources

Spread the project wisdom of Pinecone to a wider audience and contribute to community building by leveraging your influencing power and getting more people to know and benefiting from using Pinecone to earn passive income.

2. User Cultivation

Cultivate potential DeFi users and educate them about the benefit and how-to of using Pinecone to diversify risk in crypto and earn passive income in a safe, sustainable and rewarding way.

3. Social Media Influence

Squirrel Ambassadors are welcome to help contribute to the publicity of Pinecone to attract potential users and foster cooperation.

What can you benefit from being a Super Squirrel:

1. A Project Ambassador

“Super Squirrel of the Year” can be a Project Ambassador, entitled to participate in the ambassador meeting hosted by the project team, and initiate proposals on community building to Pinecone.

2. A Special Guest to Both Online and Offline Activities

As an important community member, you will be invited as a special guest to participate in a wide range of online and offline activities on behalf of Pinecone.

3. Performance based PCT rewards

As a Squirrel Ambassador, you are entitled to 3% of PCT rewards calculated based on the profit earned by your friends every month, ready to claim any time your friends claim their own profit.

4. Community Governance

Squirrel Ambassador will have more say in community governance and project voting. In the future, we will make exclusive token awards for Squirrel Ambassadors as a gesture of appreciation for their significant contribution to the Pinecone system, as well as their special identity.

Concluding remarks

What makes a project successful is a strong community, and what makes a strong community is a bunch of people with passion and dreams.

Application procedure

If you are interested and are ready to become a Squirrel Ambassador, please apply using the following link and complete the task:





Pinecone is a Yield Aggregator protocol and our team is dedicated to making investment in DeFi world simpler, easier and hassle-free than never before.