Teen Chat — Why Teens Prefer to Chat Online

Pinngle Messenger
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2018

Today’s teenagers mainly rely on the internet to maintain their friendship and social lives. To be more specific, they depend on the online messenger apps rather than having a face to face communication. But the question is: Does online teen chat make teenagers’ lives easier? If yes, then how so? Scroll down to find out how.

When you are a socially awkward teen, it’s always easier to flirt online

Teen chat

If you need a source of a free chat, Pinngle App is always there to rescue you from your awkwardness.

When your parents are strict and the only way you can talk to random strangers is through online chat rooms

Teen Chat

Pinngle respects your privacy. All your calls and messages are end-to-end encrypted. Which means your parents cannot access your text or voice information, not even Pinngle.

P.s: *This might be a double-edged sword for parents*

It’s easier to write it down than saying it out loud.

Teen Chat

You can send FREE text messages to all Pinngle users. Do not worry, Pinngle is Serverless: your data will not be stored on servers.

It’s always easier to send a meme than explaining the situation you’re in

Teen Chat

With Pinngle App you can share your favorite memes, best moments via photos or videos.

Texting: faster means of communication

Teen Chat

With Pinngle app, you can send pictures or make voice calls with 2G. Or even if you have a slow internet, Pinngle is always there to deliver your message.

When you want to gossip about your ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend to a bunch of your friends

Teen Chat

With Pinngle App you can have a group or private chat. Can you believe Pinngle Group chats can take up to 50,000 participants in a single group chat?

Going out on a date has become too mainstream and sometimes “expensive! Video calling got your back

Teen Chat

With Pinngle, start chatting or video chatting with your friend/date and make it seem like you are on an actual real date. In this way, you’ll help your pocket and avoid awkward first date moments.

P.s: Pinngle is also great for long distance relationships.

The usage of slang and abbreviations

Teen Chat

Become a bit cooler and extra! Pinngle App offers a variety of fun and abbreviated stickers.

Make the most out of your teenage years with Pinngle App.

Teen Chat

Last but not least, according to a new study, most teenagers would rather chat with friends online rather than seeing them in person. If you are among the majority, you can always use Pinngle App for a fun teen chat.

To learn more about Pinngle App and its features, you can easily download Pinngle now from Google play or download Pinngle from AppStore.

Originally published at Pinngle blog.



Pinngle Messenger
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Pinngle is a secure messenger app with free messaging, voice calls, video chat, & public channels. Our focus is on quality & worldwide accessibility.