Eliminate the Potential Loss with High Rise Leak Detection System

Steve Maly
3 min readJan 5, 2018


For most of the properties, water damage is most common and is also the leading cause for insurance claims. You will be surprised to now that the insurance companies pay for claims for water damages even more that fire and theft claims combined. The situation is more profound and grave in a high rise building that has lots of apartment, plumbing lines and joints thereby having innumerable sources of such water leaks. Thanks to the latest developments in technology and science you can now have a water leak sensing system installed to know about such leaks.

Lower High Risk In A High Rise

The high risk of a high rise can be effectively and easily lowered with the use and installation of the High Rise Leak Detection system. You can even have the more advanced and effective shut-off water valve installed as well to automatically shut of the water supply to the leaking source. With such easy and effective technology available to uncover such risks has taken away the headaches and worries of the building owners, managers and engineers. High rise building that houses multiple occupants and are over twenty years old are considered to be the most vulnerable to such issues which the insurance companies label as the worst enemy.

Increase In The Chances Of Risks

Apart from the infrastructural hindrance and downside of a high rise building that causes normal infrastructural wear and tear the risks of water leakage is even increased by human error and irresponsible usage as well. Sometimes, leaks that are undetected to the eyes especially those inside cabinets and other concealed pipelines can remain leaking for days and weeks increasing the amount of damage. Chances of mold and mildew formation, owners experiencing loss of use and other factors can increase claims tenfold. Using a Wireless Flood Detector can solve such issues easily and effectively.

Benefits Of Using Water Leak Detection System

The most significant benefit of using a High Rise Leak Detection system is that you can significantly reduce the insurance premium for your property. Most insurance companies allow discounts on the policy if they found that such water protection systems manufactured by reputed companies are installed in a property. The second benefit of using these systems that are easier to install and manage is that you can cut off the supply of water remotely to prevent further damage caused to the property.

Types Of Systems Available

There are different types of water alarm and leak detection systems available in the market. You can use a wireless alarm system that can be retrofitted with sensors even in historical buildings. You can have cloud-based combines data form different units into a single portal. You can also have automated systems for 24/7 monitoring.



Steve Maly

PipeburstPro offers automatic water protection systems in Lincoln, NE, USA which are very helpful to protect your home assets: http://www.pipeburstpro.com