Filip Bunkens
1 min readJan 7, 2017


Antergos is Arch Linux with an graphical installer which takes complexity of installing arch linux from scratch away. It’s not necessarily an more powerful elementary, because elementary is ubuntu based and uses the same packages as ubuntu for most programs.

The big difference between Antergos/Arch linux and Ubuntu is that it is a rolling distro. This means you don’t have 6 monthly releases and 1 big upgrade with packages that are a couple versions behind the latest release of all those packages, but you have almost daily new updates and you update constantly a couple of packages. The disadvantage is that you can break something at any moment, the advantage is that you can very easily find out what broke and roll back the latest update of that particular package.

For example, Darktable a program I rely heavily on as a photographer in ubuntu 16.10 is at version 2.0.5 while in Arch/Antergos it is at version 2.2.1 There are rather big differences in specs between those 2 releases.

That’s one of the main reasons I went with Antergos.

So to answer your question is Antergos very different from Ubuntu, not really, except they use another package manager pacman + aur versus apt + extra repositories.

But if you are interested you can read more about my switch on my Open source photography page . I explainded there already why I switched and why I chose Antergos with the Awesome window manager.



Filip Bunkens

Former photographer, now Brand builder with Annick and the Beard, reseller and also youtuber.