Pixelmix Monthly Report — May, 2023

Pixelmix NFT
4 min readJun 3, 2023


Project Stats:
— Holders: 27 (+7)
— Minted: 4 (+3)
— Avg Assets/Wallet: 388 (+238)
— Tiles Generated: 2,025,080 (+1,146,991)
— Pixelmix Assembled: 717 (+133)

Monthly $$$:
— Rev: $ 2,000 (+ 2,000)
— Web3 : $ (397.61) (+140.43)
— Admin : $ (6.38) (+/- 0)
— Marketing: $ (1081.75) (+352.18)
— Travel: $ (1,747.80) (-539.56)
May P/L: $(1,644.75) (+556.62)

May Line Items


May was a busy month as VeeCon planning and VeeCon itself took place. Server usage spiked a little and was tuned back to baseline just after VeeCon, due to an additional wallet being gifted a Pixelmix that held 7k NFTs (Gennedy aka GaryVee). After tuning back to baseline, this single wallet add will not affect monthly costs.

Total expenses for this month was higher at $3,644.75, Web3 accounted for $397.61, and Admin costs were unchanged at $6.38, with Marketing ($1,081.75) and Travel ($1,747.80) spends again this month.

Average cost for the Daily Price Re-Peg was $4.457, an increase of $2.199, mostly due to Meme Coin Season, with the max fee paid at $11.12.

Daily Price Re-Peg Cost (USD)

May had a total of 4 mints. In addition to minting this month, during VeeCon, we ran a “Buy 1, Gift 1” promotion where if someone decided to mint during this time frame, they were able to gift a second Pixelmix to another wallet and it was airdropped there. 4 people took advantage of this promotion.

These mints represented a total of $2,000, which is being used to pay down the Total Running Out of Pocket (project break-even), which after the withdrawal stands at -$3,149.62.


May was VeeCon month and we had a number of activations and expenses related. As part of the conference, we had traveling expenses (airfare and lodging). The entire week was a Pixelmix shirt week by both myself and another longtime Pixelmix advisor/supporter/promoter/shiller (shoutout e22), as such there were marketing expenses to create and ship the promo shirts ($176.85) for the conference.

We also ran an activation at the JDM Labs SuperParty Bearcade where we had a table promoting the project. We created shirts ($664.81) to give out to those who played a game and won. We had 2 mints during this activation.

Last month’s Pixelmix Team Shirt activation is being actually booked this month with a total cost of $229.57, however, because most of the shirts arrived before VeeCon, we had a lot of visibility during with mostly everyone wearing their shirt on a day during the conference. Huge shoutout to everyone who wore their Team Shirt!!

Looking to the future for the month of June there no plans in regards to traveling or conferences, however, there may be an activation(s) that will require marketing funds. There is no current campaign planned.

I will be using the month of June to do some foundational building for usability and browse-ability of the collection and holdings. I will also be focused on refactoring some code and code paths where I feel that things can be a bit more optimized.

Additionally, I will be looking into what it would take to start to store individual tiles on IPFS. I had played around this idea earlier but came across some inefficiencies. Now that we are creating over 100,000 individually unique mosaic tile images EACH NIGHT (let that sink in), I would love to be able to start to push some technical storage boundaries. As it stands, we will be generating over 3,000,000 mosaic tile images in June!

Pixelmix Holder Gallery screenshot

This month also marks 6 months into being a project and I cannot express how grateful I am for all the support, encouragement, and belief in the project. I hope to be able to continue building Pixelmix with all of you for years to come! Pixelmix is here for the art!


Opensea Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/pixelmix
Mint your own Pixelmix: https://www.pixelmix.io/mint.html



Pixelmix NFT

[Re-]generative mosaic art based on a daily wallet snapshot, unique to each holders wallet!