Deciphering between Fear & Intuition

PlainJames III
5 min readFeb 20, 2022


My first post and a lot to say but nowhere to begin…

I’ve been feeling called to write for years, to reach people on a global scale and spread the intuitive downloads. 2 years ago, without a clue how to do so I wrote and published my first book “Becoming a P.R.O.” which is a highly credible achievement to my friends and family, however I actually despise the book. It didn’t really take off how I wanted but what I got from it was I was capable of writing a book. I learned I could the thoughts I struggled with turning off and could organize them in a way to provide a message for others.

Anyways, I’ve been on Medium for a while and would often read others’ blogs and posts while on my way to work and at times would read a blog that allowed me to feel better about an issue I may have been dealing with. I knew I wanted to do the same for others, to offer knowledge, new perspectives and insight to invoke and spread healing. I feel intuitively it’s my mission here.

Which brings me to this first blog, distinguishing between Fear and Intuition because I’m not sure how they sound to others, but they have the same exact voice in my head that I often can’t tell the two apart.

But today as I was having some me time, I began receiving intuitive messages on how powerful the mind is. How the mind is able to not only receive messages but create messages (judgements, opinions etc) about said received messages and messages received from others that causes its’ host (you/I) to believe and live by, both good and bad. It’s the reason for biased thoughts and behaviors occurring throughout history as one mind or maybe even a few created a specific belief about a specific people or person, race, whatever it may and spread that belief afflicting other minds on a massive scale. If such beliefs can spread on a massive scale, why can’t we spread the knowledge of mindfulness and consciousness if all are just beliefs created and spread by the mind.

Anyway, after receiving all of that I received another download, which was really just being reminded of a goal I set out this year, to start posting some of these downloads on Medium. After remembering that, my body moved to find my laptop and open up Medium and begin to post. But as I logged in, I got distracted by other blogs and decided to read some. While doing so, I began making comparisons between what I was reading and what I thought I was capable of writing. Saying to myself that I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make content even worthy of 100 followers.

But what struck me as odd was just a few minutes ago I felt very confident about posting on Medium, so much so that my body followed suit and grabbed my laptop and brought me here. Now as we’re here and waiting for the greenlight to go on and post, doubt (Fear), creeps in and now I begin to second guess. I felt the doubt (fear of not being good enough) so much that I almost didn’t make this post. I noticed myself getting ready to just turn my PlayStation on and lose myself in it for a while, but I guess this is where “consciousness” comes into play as I then made a conscious decision to go ahead and post this despite my concerns on who it would reach and what it would do.

There I realized the difference from when Fear speaks and when Intuition speaks. When intuition speaks it will provoke action, when fear speaks it will deny action or rather invoke action opposite of the original intent. Then if you’re anything like me, you get caught up in analysis paralysis because you want to figure out why your feelings shifted so suddenly but that’s just what it means to be human and to struggle with your mind. Don’t lead yourself down a rabbit-hole of wondering why because the answer is always the same, “I do not know” and really doesn’t have to take a long time to be okay with accepting not knowing. I’m still actively working on it.

But continuing on, Intuition doesn’t seem to stop providing downloads just as fear doesn’t seem to stop creeping in and delaying your actions. What should be focused on more so is awakening and expanding one’s consciousness to get a better grasp of this dynamic to maneuver one’s life in a way that feels like they’re the ones in control and not their thoughts. Learning to find and honor the silence that’s always happening behind fear, intuition, or just plain random thoughts happening.

As I type this, I’m constantly bombarded with other messages such as “What’s for breakfast? Store or Brunch? What song should i play next? Will anyone read this blog? Is this what I’m meant to do?”

All in all, I have no idea and I’m sure all these thoughts will be forgotten within the hour. What matters is that I’m using my conscious awareness to keep focus on my original intent and hearing another softer voice that’s speaking the words into my mind, through to my fingers and into the keyboard.

“Is this how manifestation is started? Will a part of the global consciousness be afflicted by this?”

See? Thoughts continue to enter the mind on small and big scales at any moment. You, as consciousness, is nothing more than a witness to these messages as you pick and choose which message you’ll take action to and which you’ll let pass you by.

Also, honor the distractions rather than fighting them or judging yourself. Quite a few times as I typed this, I received messages to check my phone and took action to do so when I could've ignored those as well. It will happen. Acting out of intuition, out of fear, out of boredom, it will happen so don’t beat yourself up because I’m telling you right now, Perfection does not exist here. Just don’t allow yourself to stay in your air of procrastination longer than staying in your air of productivity. Do something with your ideas and be kind to yourself, please.

~ James Charles III (Intuit & Into It)

