🍺Happy Hour Q&A🍺 — W3

Plant Crossing
9 min readMay 9, 2023


Since we have Happy Hour section in Discord, the core team have collected many good questions from our dear users. Here we’ll put questions & answers together, in case anyone misses out on what they might want to know.


Hi to all! Breed Botans are equally worth 216 ava that on 5lvl that 30! What’s the point of making a breed at lvl 30 if the Botan will significantly lose in price after that? Are you considering the benefits of breeding at high levels in the future? Thank you.


That’s because the level of Botans is not designed for Breeding but for PVP and other game modes. You will gain other benefits through leveling up Botans. But we will get your feedback to our dev team for further consideration.


That is, it makes no sense for me to make a lvl 30 breed, it’s enough to buy a lvl 2 Botan to make a breed and sell it after that with the least losses? It turns out that way.


We will introduce the breeding system in detail later. Basically the stats of the children will be affected by its parent Botans. Therefore, in most cases, you won’t take Botans with less attributes to breed. Meanwhile, you will also use Botans with high stats to participate in Arena and other new modes like Farm. Therefore, leveling up Botans with better stats while using them to breed is a good strategy.


One of the biggest problems in pay2earn, walk2earn, collect2earn is the large emission of NFTs. How do you manage this to prolong the stability of Plant Crossing?


It’s a good question and also the one we are considering seriously. Basically we are trying to keep a dynamic pace to release NFTs which correspond to the pace of user growth — it’s not that easy but must to do. The key point is to make the costs of getting NFT reasonable, not too high and not too low. In detail, the emission of C-Botan as giveaways in free mint events is carefully considered based on recent user base, and the number of NFTs to be released in upcoming NFT sales is also determined under the big picture. One more thing, each species of SSR Botan has a hard cap of 64, also SSR Land has a hard cap of 10K. In the future, we will also introduce the NFT burning mechanism.


How do you plan to make Plant Crossing last over time?


This is the key question we keep asking ourselves! The team shares a long-term vision to make this project sustainable and we believe it will definitely become a star! To make it, we continue to polish products (including fixing bugs, optimizing user experience, adding more interesting modules), keep talking with the community sincerely, and try our best to introduce partnerships and collabs. We were doing so and will always do so!


If we breed 2 Botan from the same family do we have the same Botan or a new one?


The attributes & stats of the Botan you get from breeding has relation to the parents’ attributes & stats but it also has some chances to change. We will prepare an introduction for the breeding system to cover the details, such as the rate of getting different species.


What are your plans regarding breeding? I know we are still in Alpha but do you have any plans to fight flooding the market with NFTs from breeding? It should be fun to breed but also risky and not always rewarding to avoid NFT flipping.


As we’ve stated in A2, the pace of NFT release is always the key consideration of the team. We will disclose more details of the breeding mechanism soon. To keep the number of NFTs in the market reasonable, we will also introduce NFT burning mechanism in the future. And again, each species of SSR Botan has a hard cap of 64, also SSR Land has a hard cap of 10K.


If the price of the BnB is multiplied by 2, do you plan to divide the price of the ava by 2 in order to stay at a certain amount in $? or will it always be 0.125BnB does it matter the price in $?


The current alpha stage tokenomics design is binding the price of in-app currency as well as NFTs with $BNB. So it won’t change accordingly no matter if the $BNB price increases or decreases. It is just the same as most NFT projects in both Ethereum, BNBChain, etc.


When will simple daily or weekly events be available? Because now it’s some special only events in the game for volunteers, partners, carnival etc….


Sure. Our devs are preparing new daily or weekly events in Plant Crossing App. It will be ready late this month or early next month. Stay tuned!

🎁 “sjlb4d” Wow… you found an Easter Egg! 🎁


Will there be an airdrop of rare Botans ?


We just did an airdrop of R Land earlier this month to early supporters in the pre-alpha stage. In the future we might have rare Botan airdrop, but it will depend on the plan then, but definitely we will keep the principle — reward supporters who stay with us for a long time.


To make the game more addictive and engaging by introducing new activities for players now only walking and Arena are available. Suggestion reduce the waiting time of Arena or give any additional boost for players thanks.


Our devs are working on new features and modules for Plant Crossing App so far. For example, a new gameplay Farm will be introduced in the near future. Besides, daily tasks & weekly tasks will be added in late April or early May. With the core gameplay of Plant Crossing finalized, we will introduce the Web3-based Tribe mode. There will be more and more surprises for you to discover in Plant Crossing. You can check our Roadmap to learn more about our plans:

Plant Crossing 2023 Roadmap — Embarking on an Exciting Journey from Pre-Alpha to Open Alpha and Beyond


Is there any plan for an update for users with multiple lands, so they can have multiple bonuses activated consecutively without having to switch manually?


We don’t allow multiple land use at the same time for now. Actually it’s a game design to make people switch lands manually because different types of land have different buffs — players need to figure it out and use different lands in different features (walking, arena, farming, tribe mode, etc). Enjoy the fun of doing so.


What about future tokenomics? What are your plans for a sustainable/rewarding AVA token price? (You know most people, play to earn money) how can we minimise the impact of whales etc?


According to the roadmap, $AVA token is not only designed for Plant Crossing alone. It will also be the main token of Avalon platform to be released in the future. It will also be used in other DApps published on Avalon platform. We are designing a well balanced or even deflation tokenomics mode within most DApps on Avalon platform based on user growth within the ecosystem.

For instance, in the initial stage of Farm mode, the major rewards are based on $BNB not $AVA. Most importantly, we will introduce a sustainable business model so that there will always be demand for the $AVA token instead of only selling pressure through inflation. In addition, we don’t treat whales separately as long as they contribute to the ecosystem as most of our members do, but not arbitrage to gain short term profit that potentially hurt the ecosystem and community.


Hello team, how are you? Have a nice weekend! My question for today is:

As everyone knows, in the current days, many nft projects are doing it in the wrong way, trying to steal and deceive players with scam projects. Many players at the moment are afraid to invest in NFT games and lose their money in scam projects.

So I would like to know / understand what is your strategy to give confidence, warranty, and safety to new players for them to join and invest in the plant crossing without any fear and have complete confidence in the project and in the team?

Imagine. If you guys found Plant Crossing game somewhere what would make you invest in the game without fear and trust on it?


There are a lot of scam NFT projects in the market. But Plant Crossing is not one of them. As we started pre-alpha and alpha tests in the last two months, we grew rapidly from 0 to 20K+ App DAU ,14.6K Discord community members and over 30K Twitter followers. We really appreciate that our dear community has been staying with us and sharing with us many good ideas & suggestions. Our team keeps listening to our community and communicating with our users, in order to optimize our product and build a strong and warm community. We will keep building Plant Crossing with our community together. Trust cannot be built in one day, but it can be cultivated step by step.


Do you have plans to engage some big Funds, Guilds, etc. to keep the project more financially stable?


For sure, we are working on all these. There will be news to be released soon this or next month.


Mint Botan to NFT at Level 10 costs 100 Ava. Imagine earning AVA from Arena will take one year.

Any chances to improve or maximise the AVA earning from Arena?


We have various kinds of interesting activities in both our communities and App now and future. And you can participate actively to get Botan NFTs and AVA as rewards.

Besides, you can upgrade your Botan to a higher level so that you can get more AVA from Arena.


Why is the win rate so low à lvl25+ Arena? Less than 10% for me


Hey, we are tracking user performance in Arena frequently. From the view of statistics, the win rate is reasonable. However, because the mechanism is designed like so and sometimes people do have bad luck, but just keep playing I think it will come back to a reasonable one.


hello the Team, will the Botan collection grow? And at the time of possible breeds a new breed of Botan.


Basically C, R, SR NFTs are unlimited, while SSR Botan and SSR Land have hard caps.


Is it already possible to get R Botan on breeding or R Botans are not released yet?


Yes, it is possible to get a R Botan from breeding two C Botans but probability is very low.


Any Plans to make capability with Android version <11? Many users are still using old versions….


Some Android devices don’t support the step counting function, so it’s hard for these devices to use the App now. Devs are trying to optimize it but will not be ready in the short term.


Not a question but an idea, would be interesting if weather could affect the breeding system e.g if a user is breeding while in his/her current location is raining or it’s full moon etc to get a Botan that belongs to these weather conditions.


That’s a good idea. Actually the product team has been considering integrating real life data into the app based on LBS(location based service) info. But we will introduce more details when Plant Crossing enters into the future stage to adopt LBS based gameplay.


I would say that the win rate and the amount of AVA rewards is very little. As it would take almost a year to gain 100 AVA coins to just mint 1 NFT. That process is too long. I would say maybe 1 every quarter year is appropriate. Or you can have a higher starting point for starting players now. And as the year goes on, the amount of AVA coins will be halved. This is what some other projects do.


Walking and Arena are just basic modules in gameplay. We will soon introduce Farm Mode, Tribe Mode, daily quests, etc. to make it more fun! Players will also have more chances to win $AVA then.

🎁 “qd8jeg” Wow… you found an Easter Egg! 🎁


Hi everyone, I almost didn’t get there, what is the maximum speed for count steps? Is there a daily step limit? Is there a limit to the number of lands or plants players have?


The step limit for walking bonus ($COIN) is 30K while in Arena it’s 60K. The difference is due to different methods of defining a natural day and past 24 hours. There’s no limit for the number of lands a player could hold, but there’s a limit for the number of Botans that can be planted on a single land.

If none of the above answers solve your confusion, be sure to go to Discord for a Happy Hour every Friday from 1pm to 2pm (UTC) and feel free to ask questions!

You might want to review:

🍻Happy Hour Q&A🍻 — W1

🍻Happy Hour Q&A🍻 — W2


NFT mint codes are randomly distributed in Medium articles as Easter Eggs. Whoever finds a code can try his luck by entering it here. If you are the first to find it, you’ll be able to redeem a C-Land NFT.

Go to Plant Crossing App and apply this code in Events Section to mint (Homepage -> Events -> Medium Article Easter Egg Hunt). You have to hold at least 1 Botan>= lv.5 in order to mint.



Plant Crossing

Plant Crossing is the First Omnichain AR Game, Enabling Phygital Web3 through Spatial Computing. App download: http://onelink.to/svpva3