3 min readDec 28, 2022

Join Our Stablecoin Testnet, and get our GALXE NFT!

USP’s testnet is going live. See how you can join and get the awesome prizes!

We hear the cheer of excitement for our stablecoin! Wanna get a taste of it before everyone else? We’ve just launched our testnet on December 28 at 930 am UTC, and we would love for you to join us there!

Experience one step minting! Add collateral , borrow USP, and repay- all in one platform!

So, What’s This All About?

Come join our testnet and try the following features:

· Deposit, stake LP

· Borrow USP

· Repay

Join our GALXE campaign and get our limited NFT here:
It may have future utility to our coming campaigns!

Got talent for spotting bugs? Help us spot them and report bugs to us in our form for beefy rewards:

We will evaluate the vulnerabilities and decide if your submissions merit rewards!

Quick step-by-step to join our testnet

  1. Connect your wallet to the Fuji testnet.
  2. Get Fuji testnet AVAX:
  3. Visit:
  4. Get testnet stablecoin from the “facet” button

5. Enjoy the testnet!


Deposit & Stake LP

Go to the “Pool” page and stake some stablecoins in the Main Pool to acquire LP, which is used as the collateral for borrowing USP. Don’t forget to stake your LP before borrowing USP!

Borrow USP

  1. Go to the “USP” page and you will find USP’s dashboard. Here, you’ll see the stability fee above USP’s price. In the middle area, you can find the total USP borrowed and the total collateral amount. With that, you can determine the number of collateral that supports USP value. Or you can also look at the collateral ratio here.

2. Create a new position by clicking the “Borrow” button. (Go to the Pool page if you haven’t deposited any stablecoin to the Main Pool.)

3. Select a collateral asset and adjust the number of USP you want to borrow. Stability fee will be shown here.

4. Check your position in “My Position”

5. Click the borrow button again, to borrow more against your existing collateral


By clicking “repay” button, you repay your debt. Repayment can be done partially or in full. Just be aware that the minimum borrow amount is 200 USP.

If you have any questions, hit us up on our Discord channel. See you at our testnet!

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Platypus is the pioneer in combining a stableswap and stablecoin, masterfully utilizing its underlying assets to bring next-level capital efficiency.