MetaGods AMA — Discord (24 Feb)

MetaGods Official
15 min readMar 2, 2022


Time and date: 24 Feb (1915 HKT / 1115 UTC)

Venue: MetaGods Discord #AMA channel

Jack | MetaGods (Project Manager)


We are now going to start our AMA Session

AMA Format

- Segment 1: I will ask general questions

- Segment 2: Questions from our Metaheroes (5x questions shortlisted from the #AMA channel )


Big welcome to Jack N ,Metagods Project Manager .We are all very delighted to see you here today and we can’t wait to know more about the Landsale and NFT staking

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Hey hey! Glad to be here. Hope everyone is safe. There’s a lot of things happening in the world today… so I hope everyone can spend time with the ones they love, doing things that really matter.


Yeah today is a day to share as much love as we can with everybody and specially the closest one to us!!

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Yes yes! We also have a few special guests.. please give a warm welcome to @JoshBreeds and @MyrtleGail.EXO — they are pioneers of bringing Axie Infinity to the Philippines, and they are really excited to help bring MetaGods to the next level. So if you have a minute, please show your support by checking out their socials and profiles! They’re extremely down-to-earth, and I’m really grateful for their support and huge network.


Special welcome to @JoshBreeds and @MyrtleGail.EXO -

JoshBreeds — 02/24/2022

@MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) Thank you for the shoutout! Hello everyone we are the first ones to believe in NFT when everyone else thought it was a joke

Me and @MyrtleGail.EXO Saw so much potential on metagods, a very promising game thats been made by a good developer


Thanks for your kind words

JoshBreeds — 02/24/2022

A lot of us are looking forward on the release of your game!


Thanks again for being here today with us Josh and Myrtle!! Now Jack before proceeding ahead I would like to request you to kindly type done after end of your answers in order to avoid confusion.

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Sure thing! (done)


We are all waiting on more land sale info! Shall we begin our journey with the first introductory segment ?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Yes! I can’t wait to share with you more updates and what we’ve built in the last few weeks


Ok here we gooo!!

Our community has some questions about the earnings from the Land which is the top attraction at this moment. They are eager to know more about LandSale and land benefits, like how they will earn from it? What will they earn and how will it be more beneficial for them?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Yes! So for the land, there’s a ton of benefits. We are going open it up for community, VIP and early supporters. However, we have also our NFT holders in mind. We have over 8,000 NFT holders, and we will be whitelisting a lot of you for the landsale as well. We just talked about this 2 days ago at our internal meeting, and we want to ensure you that NFT staking is also coming soon. I have some videos and stuff to share with you all in a bit.

Owning land in MetaGods is huge. We call it land 2.0, because of the gamification of it. If you own the land, you own the game. This means you can walk around in-game to visit your own land, or visit other landowners. You can clan up, create your own guild, and build buildings on top of the land. Every piece of land has its own special terrain, and accumulates resources. On top of this, the landowners also own the dungeons. This is a bit hard for me to explain, so I’ll go ahead and just leak the images now. I’m too excited hahaha. This is the land that we’ve split up into different sections. They are all 100 plots. We sat down with the devs to single-handedly pick each plot to split them up. It took wayyyy too long

Here’s what it looks like with the bosses overlayed on top. Each section of land is governed by a boss, which is also a dungeon/level in the game.

Here’s a sample UI with the grids. In the sidebar, you can toggle the land size, and add the overlays. Grids, Dungeons, Bosses, all can be added or subtracted so you can see the land clearly. You can also search by coordinates, and also filter by land size.

We have a few special dungeons as easter eggs, but I can’t say anything about that yet. It’s going to be super epic.The ownership of dungeons allows the community to be split up into factions and sub-communities. They will vote on different things, such as the dungeon difficulty (based on player-progression curve), as well as decided the Loot Drop Rate.

Because 100% of the items and weapons dropped in the dungeons go back to the landowners, they decide what to do with the Loot Drop Rate. They can keep 100% and market make the items, or they can keep 50% and give 50% back to the dungeon. By giving 50% back, the Loot Drop Rate has increased by 2. With an LDR of 2x, other players will be incentivized to enter your dungeon. The landowners will work together on creating an optimal gaming environment, and earn together.

You can also earn from buildings, and NFT mission staking, but I’ll get into that later (DONE)


That’s a incredible start Jack .This owning mechanics will be the most important factor for me . As I am a disaster playing that’s why I like when you said’’ If you own the land, you own the game’’ hahaha

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022


Yes, being a landowner has a lot of perks


Jack If you think it’s reasonable to leak some internal info then our community wants to know if they have a chance to choose a land, then which one they should choose first? Or do all the places have the same value or are there any differences with each plot location?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Sooo here’s where it gets fun. Because each dungeon has it’s own difficulty level.. you can be strategic about it. It all comes down to what you want, and how you want to be involved in the game. Let me give you an example.

Medusa is a beginner’s dungeon. The difficulty is 1–3

Now… you might choose this because of several reasons. With a beginner’s dungeon.. EVERY new player will have to go through this dungeon. This is fast rewards for the owners. HOWEVER. This also means that for sure the players will surpass this and move onto the next dungeon.

You also have Amaterasu, who’s difficulty is a 7–9. Now there might be LESS players who get to level 70 and above…. but the rewards are MUCH HIGHER. So the choice is yours. Do you want to be quick and earn fast? Or do you want to do long-term sustainability?

We will be releasing information on the difficulty of all the dungeons, as well as more info about the each plot of land. There’s also a ton of game design involved, so most of our time is spent figuring out the in-game economy. We’ve taken all of our experiences from traditional gaming and blockchain gaming.. and narrowed it down to the two big ones. We will tackle them with level locks, weapon durability, and entry fees. As well as a huge in-game economy that can run itself based on merchants, marketplace and in-game shop. (DONE)


Really looking forward to the game and getting land I would like Zeus land as you can live on top of Mount Olympus and see what your enemies do! hahaha

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

heheheh yep! Zeus and Poseidon are the end game bosses, so we will be releasing those very slowly and fairly. This is key, because we don’t want a central party to own all of the end game bosses


Yes it makes total sense Jack . I was trying to put a bit of sense of humor Past few days we have witnessed some amazing pictures of the Buildings, Hospitals, Church and Military bases…etc.. that you have shared on Twitter which can be built on the lands, will you please explain to our community members how they will be benefited from these structures?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Yes. This is still fresh, as I had a chat with our lead game developer a few hours ago about this.

Here’s what a few of our buildings look like, and their upgrades

Let’s use the first one on top as an example. Its Docks > Harbour > Port

So if you own a piece of land close to/on water, you can build a dock. For buildings, you MUST use MGOD token ONLY. We’ve done this because this is where the MGOD utility will be.

Each building has its own special use, which can either be economic.. or military. So for the church (the bottom), you can upgrade it to a monestary and eventually a cathedral

If you own a church… you can accept guild donations. That means players can donate to your cause, and you can earn.

On top of that, they can also donate special items, weapons, or armor. Then it goes to the town hall, and players of that guild can BORROW those items weapons or armor. They just walk up to the building in the game, and click on it. Then they take the items and raid dungeons with it… earning with their friends. When theyre done, they return the items. Those that lended the items out get paid a fee/tax, and the players that borrowed the items didnt have to spend money to buy them.

The resource buildings, such as the stone or lumbermill…

Let’s take the logging camps for example.

You build this on a forest terrain (land), and then you accrue wood resources at a much higher rate. Now you need these resources to UPKEEP your building. Because like in real life… your buildings will corrode over time. So the resources have in-game value of repairing the buildings. When the upkeep reaches zero… the overall efficiency of the building is drastically reduced.

Now if you upgrade to the highest tier building, you will start getting a special resource that is used for crafting special items and weapons. For example, strengthened wood is required to build a strong crossbow. If you want that, you have to upgrade the building and use those materials. Now as an owner of the building, you can sell those resources to those looking to craft the items, or use it yourself to craft the items and sell them. As you can see, we’ve really dug into the in-game mechanics and economy (Done).


Happy to see all of these first hand Jack, Because lands are so limited is going to be super hot and more with all these building on top of it!!

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Right! The utilities of land are abound


Now Jack we have the most awaited questions that members can’t wait more to know, if you can tell us when the NFT stake will be available to members? If you can give us an ETA. Also can you please explain about the earnings/ rewards from each Tier of NFT and ROI? As you know our members has invested good amounts in NFTs and they are curious about the power of each NFT Tiers and capabilities of earnings.

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022


NFT staking is ON ITS WAY. We are estimating to release this 2–3 weeks right after the land sale. Let me show you what we’ve been working on

Here is what we


built in the game engine, UNITY

As you can see, the bullets are looking a bit crazy hahahah

The left side is the gameplay, the right side is the grid/view/hitbox

So the character is avoiding the boss on its own. It’s all AI

So when you stake your character.. it will auto battle

Now this is what it looks like… when you stake 5 characters:

So with these 5 characters staked, you can see them all shooting and fighting the boss all at once.

The dream here, is to have you stake ALL your characters at once and start earning.

Imagine if you can stake 20 characters in an insane battle! Pure chaos.

We’re building this as fast as we can… I know a lot of people in blockchain are expecting us to have everything built in a single day. But… these things take time. And when you look at our track record.. everything we’ve released so far has been dope AF. So we’re building

We’re hoping to drop NFT staking this quarter, still. So please stay tuned (done)

NFT staking is a priority, so we should see it soon


Many would grab this opportunity including myself and play casual mode to stake all their NFTs to make passive earnings! I think this is a great idea and it’s a game for everyone good and not so good players

Jack it will be so kind of you if you can clarify to our members that their earnings will be in which form? $MGOD, $Relic, NFT Or ingame items?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Of course!

We will be allowing folks to buy land using the $MGOD token. We will also be opening up a character NFT pool where you can purchase characters using MGOD. We will take all of the MGOD (both land sale and character sale), and distribute it back as rewards. This actually completes the loop

Rewards don’t just appear out of thin air. They have to come from somewhere, right? So everything we get, we will put it back into the economy. On top of this….

We will be rewarding early NFT stakers with in-game items. This is a first. Let me share with you. I just got some weapons back from Prometheus.. and I haven’t even shown some members on our team haha. I’m literally going to leak it here first

welp. that’s the ingame barbarian ax

And you can upgrade the weapons

so barbarian 1, 2 and 3

cross bows

But you get the idea. We will be distributing these as rewards. This will give the early stakers and early supporters first to market advantage. It’s our way of saying thanks

So you all will get these first, and access to the marketplace and in-game shop… as well as $MGOD token rewards

Now when casual mode comes out in late Q2, we will also introduce RELIC rewards. We will release RELIC as we release the game, so that’s also on the way (DONE)


So many rewards I lost count! hahaha but ‘’We will take all of the MGOD (both land sale and character sale), and distribute it back as rewards’’ I love this one , It’s not only amazing giving back to the community but also great to the Ecosystem!

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

I wanted to drop a few more weapons after i zoomed in on them hahahah


Ok thanks Jack for answering those questions, let’s now open the floor to answer some community questions……please Jack pick 5 of your favorite questions from the AMA channel

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

sure thing


Hi Jack, I am a big fan of yours and MetaGods This will be my first question since I am in this discord server One of the many questions that how we are going to cash out our rewards received from Land or NFT? another curiosity is what will be the benefits of the buildings that we need to built on our land and how it will impact on our earnings?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

HI hi! So to cash out your rewards, it depends on a few things. With the land resources, you can convert them to the in game token using a trading post building. You can also sell the NFT items on the marketplace, or convert them to RELIC at the in-game shop. A problem we’ve seen is that NFTs tend to be illiquid. With the in-game shop, you can always change it back to relic tokens


1- how does special edition NFT parts compare to named parts? and performance to its tier overall 2- how big is the difference in XP/relic yield between tiers, and will god parts play part in the staking per tier %? 3- what happens if someone use your NFT for scholarship and dies in hardcore mode, does your NFT get locked ? 4- about WL spot for NFT holders, is there a criteria to be met or everyone will have that spot ? 5- when you fail a mission when staking your NFTs , what happens to the Mgod you staked? 6- only minted characters can be staked? what about purchased ones ?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

1. The tier of the character will have effect when casual and hardcore mode come out. The tier directly affects the numbers rolled for the base attributes, which determine the characters in-game stats.

2. The yield depends on the players-progression curve. The more players that play, the higher the APY. This is why landowners can determine the dungeon difficulty, and other cools things. They will have direct control of who plays their dungeon, and the # of players determines the APY.

3. If someone uses your NFT for scholarship and dies, they will get locked out. However, we are building a scholarship system so that the lockout for scholars is much, much shorter, as well as other cool things. For example, borrowing items and weapons/armor. Some HIGH apy dungeons require certain items, so scholars can borrow them from the buildings of landowners. Then when they are done, they will return the items and pay the borrowing fee. Win-win. The building / landowners will earn a tax, the scholars can borrow those items.

4. Regarding WL spot for holders, we will whitelist the top holders. We have over 8000, so it will be many of you. There are also tasks that you can complete to gain the WL spot.

5. When the mission fails, the rewards are given to the landowners. If it’s a success, the player gets it. You DO NOT have to stake MGOD to do NFT staking. There may be, however, small entry fees to enter dungeons.

6. Purchased and minted characters can be staked


- How many LAND will be aviable? I assume a very limited ammount with them being so expansive — Alex Becker talked about a liquidity problem regarding metagods in his last video, what do you think about it?how do you address that? and could you explain why is he wrong? — We all know the token is dropping because of general market condition, and today’s news will only make it worse, do you have any recovery plan or will you just out-wait the market?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

There are 3,500 plots of land available. There won’t be anymore after this.

Yes, Alex Becker did talk about the liquidity in his last video. He is our advisor.. so we are well-aware of this. We are still a very early stage project, but we have a huge vision. We can’t just open up the liquidity all at once because it will dilute the supply too quickly. I wouldn’t say that he is wrong, because we are aware of this. This is why we have such LONG LOCKS for team and investors. Team is locked for 3 years total, and investors are locked for 2 years total. This allows us to build and push slowly. Again, you’re still very early to the project

The recovery plan is to build something huge. As you saw with Axie previously, they just did what they did best. They just built it. They took over. All early investors of Axie can retire without having to work another day of their lives. This is the strength of building a real product. We have really strong marketing partners and KOL’s, but the best way we can push through is by creating an amazing fun game that ANYONE can play. Fundamentally, this will def work. We’ve seen it happen. Patience will be rewarded.


Are we able to choose which land plot (area) we are buying on the map? or it will be randomly assigned? (edited)

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Yes, you can choose the plots that you want

The UI will be beautiful, stay tuned!


What zeus trait makes him stronger among other gods?

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Zeus is the end-game boss. He is the strongest of all the titans, so his loot and dungeon will be the most powerful. Poseidon as well. Don’t even try to enter without being AT LEAST level 90 or above

We were originally planning to release the land sale this week and next week. However, due to market conditions, we will be pushing it a bit further back until things are a bit more stable. We are actively working with more partners. I actually spoke to MrBeast and his team. Jimmy and the squad are really excited about playing the game, so its going to be great! They will also be landowners, so some of you will be his neighbor… and can design levels and bosses together with him



Thank you for picking and answering questions from the Community And also thank you so much Jack for giving us all such informative insights on Sale lands and NFT staking. It was worth having you again!

MetaGods | Sisyphus (Jack N.) — 02/24/2022

Happy to be here! Remember, the metaverse will be around — its not going anywhere. Please take care of your health, and spend time with your family and loved ones. These are things that matter most in life, and given the current world circumstances, things are crazy. Chat with you all soon!


See you soon jack! With this we come to the end of today’s session.



MetaGods Official

Metagods is the world’s first Play-To-Earn Action RPG built on the blockchain. Trade and play with generative NFTs to vanquish dangerous monsters.