The Art of Chi: The Life Force that Enriches Play-to-Earn in The Three Kingdoms

4 min readOct 6, 2021


Commander, an essential part of mastering martial arts involves the balance of your body, mind and spirit. You must have heard of Chi, the “vital life force” that runs through the human body, but do you have the potential to master it and emerge victorious on the battlefield? It is only through harmonising your Chi that you can venture through the era of The Three Kingdoms, and rewrite history forever.

Chi in History

Chi, also popularly referred to as Qi, directly translates to the word “breath”. The earliest use of the word came from China’s ancient writings in the 5th century BC and the term persisted in writing long after, having been written about extensively in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine around 2700 BC. Chi is not only frequently associated with the Chinese religion Taoism, it also played an irreplaceable role in traditional Chinese medicine.

The concept of “Chi” may be hard to grasp, but it is actually prevalent in other countries such as Korea (“Gi”) and Japan (“Ki”). In English, Chi is typically translated as our “vital life force”, but in traditional Chinese culture, Chi ventures past the human body and encompasses the force that binds together the universe. From material aspects (earth, flesh, blood) to immaterial aspects (light, space, thought, heat), Chi plays a vital part in maintaining harmony through body, mind, and spirit.

Balancing Chi

Chinese medicine described Chi as one of the vital substances in the human body alongside Xue (血; blood), Jinye (津液; body fluids) and Jing (精; spirit). Each of the vital substances performs five cardinal functions including: actuation, warming, defending, containment and transformation.

The five functions must all maintain balance to harmonise the Chi, too much or too little can damage the body. This is in direct relation to the terms Yin and Yang, only by ensuring that Yin and Yang are in harmony can the human body attain true balance to reach the ultimate state of being.

Yin and Yang

The concept of Yin-Yang must be understood alongside Chi. In Taoism, it is mentioned that everything must have a good and a bad side that resides within one another. The Yin (陰) represents the dark and the cold, which directly contrasts with the Yang (陽), the bright and the hot. Yin-yang perfectly describes the importance of balance in Chi, only when a person is able to interdependently switch from Yin to Yang and vice versa can they harmonise and achieve longevity in life.

The actual character of the word “Chi” can be interpreted as: “steam rising from cooked rice”. Rice, considered as the main dish of China, requires water (the Yin) and fire (the Yang) to cook. Just like rice that is the main source of nourishment for supporting life, Chi acts as the main source of force that achieves longevity.

$CHI in The Three Kingdoms

As commanders gather energy (through $TTK Tokens) for their journey of The Three Kingdoms, they are able to convert the energy to $CHI through harmonization. Only through mastering the energy of $TTK can warriors advance ahead with their well-balanced CHI.

Some future uses of $CHI include the ability to siege cities, battle other players and even fusing new heroes. As a fair launch token, any commanders are able to ascend into their ultimate self and transform their $TTK into $CHI.

Chi has been an important part of Chinese History long before the era of The Three Kingdoms, master your Chi, and lead your army to victory! To know more about the tokens $TTK and $CHI, visit our social media channels listed below.

About The Three Kingdoms

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The Three Kingdoms is a 3rd Generation NFT Game that adopts the three Kingdoms storyline. Prepare to immerse yourself in a gaming experience enriched with extensive history, well-developed characters, progression gameplay and more. Prepare your heroes for battle, siege cities, and win battles to expand your own land.

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