Trump’s Tax Cuts Guarantee His Loss 2020

Plow Plot
2 min readOct 4, 2017


I’m a futurist. I see the big picture. The future I see in 2020, is two, historic, multi-billion dollar campaigns against Trump. The GOP is setting Trump up to be crushed by both sides in 2020.

For all those people worried about 8 years of President IT. Don’t even stress. Trump won’t be having a second term. When he passes these tax cuts he is digging his own grave. It’s over. Done. He is finished the moment those tax cuts go into law.

Sound crazy? Let me tell you about the future.

You need two things to kick a president out of office. The will among the people and the resources to organize campaigns against him.

As soon as the news gets out that the tax cuts are final both Republican and Democratic mega donors are going to say, “Huh, look at all this money I don’t have to spend now because this asshole is in office.” then about 15 minutes later they are going to think, “You know, I should really spend some of that money to kick that asshole out of office.”

By cutting these taxes in the middle of the biggest economic boom for the 1% we have seen in a hundred years, Trump is handing all the 1% on both sides millions in some cases hundreds of millions of dollars each to use against him.

Because Obama, the Clintons, and the Bushes each chipped away at campaign finance controls, there is a clear path for the first time to have a presidential race who’s funding isn’t measured in Millions but in Billions. He will be facing multi-billion dollar campaigns from both sides. It will be the most brutal Republican primary in history.

The Republicans will want him out of office because he is ruining the long term brand for their party by exposing all the lies they tell their voters.

The Democrat Corporate Whores want him out of office because they want to put their own puppet into place.

The Sanders people want him out of office because they see him as a racist, sexist, asshole who is a failure in every conceivable way and will never give them the policies they want.

The will to kick Trump out of office, that is done in my mind. He would have to swing left so hard he would be rubbing shoulders with Bernie Sanders to save his presidency at this point. People already hate him so deeply it’s kind of amazing.

With him passing these tax cuts, he will be arming his enemies with the only thing they need to absolutely destroy him: Virtually unlimited funds.

