The Deflationary Model of Pocketcows: How It Works and Why You Should Care

4 min readMar 29, 2023


The Deflationary Model of Pocketcows called Proof of Harvest (PoH) is a revolutionary new way to invest in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). It’s a relatively new concept and one that can be confusing to understand. In this blog post, we’ll explain exactly how the deflationary model works, the advantages it offers, and why you should consider investing in Pocketcows NFTs. With the help of this article, you’ll be able to make an informed decision when deciding whether or not to invest in Pocketcows NFTs.

What is the deflationary model?
The deflationary model is an innovative tokenomics concept employed by Pocketcows. The deflationary model revolves around burning tokens and reducing the supply, so that each token left in circulation is more valuable and can provide a more sustainable long-term investment option. The mechanism works as follows: when a user buys tokens, a portion of them are sent to a burn address and destroyed, thereby reducing the total supply of tokens available and driving up the value of the tokens left in circulation. This burning process has the potential to be very beneficial to blockchain technology, as it incentivizes the token price to increase as the demand for the remaining tokens continues to rise.

How does the deflationary model work?
The deflationary model of Pocketcows works by reducing the total supply of tokens, which in turn increases the value of each token. When a user burns their tokens, those tokens are removed from circulation and will never be seen again. This has the effect of reducing the total supply of tokens, increasing the demand for remaining tokens and increasing their value. With a fixed supply of only 10,000 tokens, users can rest assured that their investment is deflationary and that its value will remain consistent over time.
The deflationary model of Pocketcows also provides users with a secondary utility in the form of an interactive video game. This adds additional value to the asset and further encourages users to invest in it. The game rewards users for holding onto their tokens and also incentivizes them to burn their tokens by offering special in-game rewards. This ensures that users are always looking to maximize their investment potential by burning as many tokens as possible.
In addition to its deflationary model, Pocketcows also offers users exclusive access to collectible Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These NFTs provide holders with access to exclusive in-game content and are extremely desirable due to their limited supply and rarity. They also offer investors a great way to diversify their portfolio and gain exposure to the growing world of blockchain gaming.

What are the benefits of the deflationary model?
The deflationary model of Pocketcows (PoH) offers numerous advantages over other token models. The individualized nature of PoH means that it does not satisfy the horizontal commonality prong of the Howey Test, making it impossible for it to be considered a security by the SEC. As such, holders can earn a return without having to stake their funds, leading to more decentralization in token distribution.
Furthermore, PoH involves the burning of tokens, which creates a permanent binding to a smart contract and provides an additional layer of security. The burned tokens have no owner, making it impossible to hack or compromise the burn wallet. This adds another layer of decentralization compared to Proof-of-Stake (PoS).
In addition, PoH provides a fair distribution model, as all holders have the same opportunity to earn a return on their holdings. Moreover, users retain control over their own funds, rather than having to trust a third party with their capital. This lowers the risk of funds being compromised or stolen in PoH because they are not pooled with other users’ funds.
Overall, the deflationary model of Pocketcows provides users with an opportunity to earn a return on their holdings while retaining control over their own funds.

How can I get started with Pocketcows?
Getting started with Pocketcows is easy. All you need to do is visit the official website at and create an account. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to start buying, selling, and trading the Pocketcows NFTs.
The first step is to decide how many Pocketcows you want to purchase. The current price for a single Pocketcow is 0.0066 Ethereum, so you’ll want to make sure you have enough Ethereum in your wallet to cover the purchase.
Once you’ve decided how many Pocketcows you want, you can purchase them directly from the site by clicking on “Buy”. From there, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you’ll enter your payment information and confirm the purchase.
You’ll also need to create an Ethereum wallet if you don’t already have one. This can be done through a number of different wallets, such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet.
Once your wallet is set up, you’ll be ready to start buying, selling, and trading your Pocketcows! All transactions will take place through the official site, so you’ll never have to worry about the security of your transactions.
So if you’re interested in getting involved in the deflationary model of Pocketcows, now is the perfect time to get started. Visit the official website today and start building your herd!

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