What was the metaverse activation like? Pocketcows

5 min readFeb 27, 2023


At Pocketcows, we recently launched a metaverse activation that was designed to engage our users in a virtual space. We wanted to find out what this new medium was capable of and measure its success. What was the experience like? What engagement metrics did we track? How can we judge whether it was successful or not? These are just some of the questions we sought to answer in this article. We also outline some of the challenges and opportunities that come with using this new technology. Read on to find out more about our metaverse activation and how it helped us reach our goals.

Metaverse Activation
Pocketcows is a new and exciting video game that is linked to a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection. If you can reach the number one spot on the Pocketcow leaderboard, you will win one of the 1,000 cows from the 10k collection reserve. Every digital collectible cow is a 1 of 1 art piece and character in the game that becomes your digital avatar in a digital playing field. The game is a mix of Pacman and Zelda, providing a historical point for the metaverse.
The activation of this new metaverse was unlike anything we’d ever seen before. It involved an engaging gameplay experience that allowed players to compete to become the top cow herder on the leaderboard. Players could win rewards and prizes by completing levels, while also unlocking rare NFTs. This created an exciting sense of competition and accomplishment among players, making it a popular choice for gamers all over the world.
At its peak, the metaverse activation attracted millions of players and viewers. In addition, hundreds of thousands of users participated in various contests, giveaways, and tournaments to further enhance the experience. It was truly a groundbreaking moment in gaming history.
The success of this metaverse activation was measured through various metrics including total active players, total engagement time, downloads, and purchases. These metrics helped to illustrate how successful the activation was overall, as well as how well it resonated with gamers worldwide. The data from these metrics showed that the activation was highly successful and engaging, resulting in record-breaking numbers for the game and its associated NFTs.
The challenges and opportunities of this new medium are vast. From the technical aspects to the social implications, there is much to explore. For example, developing a unique gameplay experience that caters to different types of gamers and creating rewards for participation is no small feat. Additionally, creating ways for users to monetize their gaming experience without sacrificing gameplay quality or fairness can be challenging as well. Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities in this new medium to explore. For example, creating an immersive environment that allows users to interact with others online in an organic way has great potential.
Overall, the activation of this new metaverse provided a groundbreaking experience that was both innovative and successful. With the right strategy and execution, it could potentially revolutionize the gaming industry as we know it today.

Engagement Metrics
Pocketcows was designed to drive engagement within the metaverse and build a community of players. To evaluate the success of this activation, we looked at several key metrics.
First, we tracked the total number of cows minted. 11883/10000 cows were minted during the event, which is an impressive feat. This indicates that there was a high level of engagement with the project, as users were eager to get their hands on these limited edition cows.
Second, we monitored how many cows were sent to pasture. 104/10000 cows were sent to pasture, showing that many people are actively engaging with the project and taking part in the game.
Third, we keep track of the number of active holders. 246 active holders participated in the event, meaning that there was a steady stream of activity throughout the entire period.
Finally, we tracked the average number of mints per day over 365 days in a crypto bear market. On average, there were three mints per day, showing that Pocketcows was able to maintain a consistent level of interest even during challenging times for crypto markets.
Overall, these metrics demonstrate that Pocketcows was successful in driving engagement in the metaverse and building a loyal player base. Additionally, we saw over 1.1 ETH in secondary sales while still minting, which is a testament to the community’s interest in the project. Furthermore, we were able to continue minting cows even with secondary sales. This shows that even in a bear market, people are still enthusiastic about participating in and buying these limited edition cows.
Overall, these metrics demonstrate that Pocketcows was successful in driving engagement in the metaverse and building a loyal player base.

Success Criteria
When measuring the success of a metaverse activation, there are several key metrics that should be taken into consideration. The first is the amount of mints created for Pocketcows. The second is the amount of members signing up to become part of the Pocketcows community. Thirdly, the amount of cows burned and sent to the pasture should also be measured. Additionally, the amount of passive Ethereum generated on secondary sales should be taken into account as well. Lastly, it is important to measure the number of holders utilizing Pocketcows as this will give an indication of how popular the product has become. All these metrics can help to provide a comprehensive overview of how successful a metaverse activation was.

Challenges and Opportunities
The metaverse activation came with its own set of challenges and opportunities. One of the biggest challenges was the emergence of bear markets. During bear markets, prices and interest in the market tend to go down, resulting in fewer people engaging with the platform and potentially affecting user numbers. However, there are opportunities that arose from these market conditions. For one, it offered a chance for projects to be purged if they were deemed to be too much of a distraction from the core mission. This in turn led to new members joining the platform who were more serious about creating content and engaging with it. Additionally, it opened up new avenues for marketing efforts as companies could use this opportunity to leverage their presence and build up brand awareness.

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