What to know before joining Poco Tournament

POCO - NFTs Game
4 min readApr 4, 2022

Poco Tournament — Biggest ingame event coming out in April, 2022 marks the new beginning for the 2.0 version of Pocoland. Inspiring from prototypes of planets in the universe, the main concept of Poco Tournament Phase 1 will be intergalactic battles. Before participating in the Tournament, there are some interesting stories, ways to join and reward mechanism users need to know.

From the primeval age, lives in the universe were formed by a mystical entity. He chose 5 planets with distinctive features from climate to living environment to incubate lives. Those planets included:

  • Mars: Hometown of volcanoes and hot, burning climate. The mightiest creatures of the entire planet are Fire Pocos
  • Venus: One of the nearest to the Sun planet. There were rumors that Light Pocos on this planet inherited the power of the Sun enough to dispel the night at the darkest moments.
  • Earth: The planet with a diverse range of living creatures but the signature and dominant ones must be Wind Pocos. They carry the responsibility of protecting nature and preserving it.
  • Neptune: With a surface occupied mainly by water and gas, it is obvious that Water Pocos are the dominant creatures on this planet.
  • Saturn: The only planet among others owning a belt system around. Dark Pocos are the signature creatures on this planet.

Here are some above general introductions about the Poco tournament as well as some ingame pictures of Poco characters. In order to participate in Poco tournament, users have to reach certain requirements:

  • Poco characters level must reach level 15 or above
  • Using 100 PL to purchase ticket to participate in the Tournament
  • Energy bar must be full (Including Account Upgrade Feature)
  • Press the “Tournament” icon on the left of the screen right under the Pocoland Logo

With a total of 50 maps including 8 PvP and 42 PvE matches, Poco Tournament opens within 3 days with a prize pool of 50,000 PocoLove. The first 5 users to reach the final stage can receive 1 exclusive character and a set of 5 items. The rarity of the characters will be randomized between Rare — Epic and Epic — Rare. Others can receive these rewards based on their performances through stages:

While participating in the Tournament, players can start a PvP match after 5 PvE stages, the difficulty will be increased through stages so remember to build a reasonable squad and own a stable set of items. For PvE matches, players can still rematch after being defeated but they will be eliminated from the Tournament if they are defeated in PvP matches. There will be a Checkpoint for players who want to start the Tournament for redeem purposes, they will start at the latest stage they last participated in. For example, if a player reaches stage 10 and they cannot manage to move forward. Therefore, they can still rejoin the Tournament but they will start at stage 10. All the prizes in the Tournament will be distributed at the end of the event.

Here is some information for players and users before participating in the Poco Tournament — biggest ingame event. Are you ready for intergalactic battles? Build your squad appropriately and prepare a solid foundation of knowledge. Good luck all, wish you guys can obtain rewards that match your effort and power.

Want to begin playing but don’t know where to begin?

Join our community group, and they’ll be able to answer any queries you might have!

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POCO - NFTs Game

POCO is a new “play-to-earn" NFTs game based on Blockchain technology and Binance Smart Chain network