How to Choose the Best Venue for Your Presentation?

3 min readJul 28, 2017

You may brilliantly know the material of your presentation, look perfect and act charismatic on the stage. But this is not always enough for a great impression of your presentation.

It is very important to find the right venue where you will invite your target audience and where they will be located during your presentation, conference or event.

If your listeners do not have enough chairs, if the room is not clean or it is too cold, if they do not have the opportunity to settle comfortably, and you do not have the opportunity, for example, to brand the hall — all this reduces the positive emotions received during your presentation. If they have nowhere to park — the story will be the same. They will not like it. So, you should pay serious attention to the quality and location of your venue. Let’s talk about this today.

What do you need to know about your event?

It sounds strange, but now you will understand what we mean. When you are looking to find and choose a venue for a conference, presentation or event, you must take into count YOUR factors. First, determine how much money you are willing to spend on the choice of location and organization of the event. Secondly, find out exactly how many participants plan to attend your presentation. Thirdly, understand the format of your performance, you need to clearly know what will it be, so that the style and atmosphere of the place will match the style and character of your company and your presentation.

Start surfing the Internet

It is best to study the places that are closer to you — in the nearest area, if the location of your company is well suited to your clients (the target audience lives and works side by side, or you work in the city center or other popular part of it). Try to find all possible options — go to their sites and social networks, study photos, conditions for events, customer reviews. Please note that negative reviews are often deleted on the sites, that’s why you should pay attention to social accounts. The next stage is the study of more distant places. You can imagine this as circles — near, middle and distant. Choose distant locations only if you have a low budget. But you have to consider how comfortable it will be for your target audience to get to this place.

Since we’ve started, let’s talk about the location

At first glance it may seem that the most important thing is to choose a place in the most prestigious and popular area. On the one hand, yes, on the other — it is not always so. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the location is convenient for your audience, and not just popular and expensive. If you invite mainly conference participants who will fly by plane and live in hotels, it will be much more convenient to choose a conference hall near their place of residence or transport interchanges. In this case, they do not need a center at all. If your business is located in a prestigious area, and your audience are the residents of this area or people who come there every day to work, then of course, you should choose a venue located in the same area.

More How to Choose the Best Venue for Your Presentation?




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