Bring Them All Home

Random Word Drabble #132: benighted

Poet In The Arctic
Fiction Shorts


Photo by Mukund Nair on Unsplash

A Drabble is a story of 100 words. No more, no less.

They scream, “Bring Them Home Now!”

I agree.

Bring them all home. Those behinds bars unjustly. Those buried under the rubble. Those who can’t even haunt their own streets as the street is gone. Dust. Ashes.

Ethnic cleansing is successful when a benighted nation is run by a tyrant.

To them, the solution is erasure. Eradication.

A nightmare cooked up by scared little politicians that suck on missile fins before throwing them violently to the ground. Their ass getting rashes. Their heads getting too big with power. All stink air in there.

Will home even be there to return to?

From the River to the Sea, let them come home and live free.

I want to note that though a Drabble is fiction usually, I wrote this as there are still folks who think what’s going on is fictitious. Yet, it is very real. Maybe the only way folks will understand is through a tale.

To read another Drabble by Mike Range:

And to read more about what Nancy Oglesby’s Drabble challenge is:



Poet In The Arctic
Fiction Shorts

Arctic Dreamer. Forest Breather. I write about my experiences living in the North with a side of fiction short stories and poetry.