2 min readSep 11, 2024

From wealthier shores, I journeyed wide,
To see the world beyond our pride.
Where comfort cloaks our every day,
I learned there’s more than words can say.

We grumble here, in ease we sleep,
While others struggle, hunger deep.
A “recession” here is just a name,
Yet elsewhere, it’s a burning flame.

I met the souls with less to share,
Yet joy and love bloom everywhere.
With empty hands, their spirits gleam,
Their smiles outshine the richest dream.

A watch, it ticks to tell the time,
A car just drives from climb to climb.
Yet we, in comfort, always crave,
For more, forgetting what we have.

In distant lands, with dreams they strive,
Their wisdom keeps their hope alive.
No fools are they, just held in chains,
Of limited paths and harsh remains.

Now, seeing clear, I understand,
The wealth we hold is in our hands.
Life’s truest worth is not in things,
But in the peace that wisdom brings.




I write about life, love and relationships, motivation and…