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Building a Startup with JavaScript and Scala

by Alex Poon

One key strategy to maximize the chance of success when building a startup is to minimize the amount of time re-inventing the wheel. It is about picking the right tool for the job and innovate only in places that add lots of value. To build an AI-powered personal assistant at x.ai, we decided that both Scala and JavaScript are the right languages for us. Having two languages in production certainly adds complexity. IDE, code deployment, libraries, tools, etc are drastically different between languages. Not to mention our engineers’ skills and knowledge in both. Despite all these disadvantages, we embarked on our journey with them and haven’t looked back.

Machine Learning with Scala

Internal Apps and Third Party API’s with Node.js

Dividing up the jobs

Talking to Mongo…

It hasn’t been all smooth sailing since we started x.ai with JavaScript and Scala, but we are quite pleased with our decision so far. Having Node.js and Mongoose enabled us to build web apps quickly and create small servers to talk to other APIs. Scala enabled us to take advantage of the vast selection of machine learning libraries, optimize for functional programming and leverage a strong type system. We are able to take advantage of the strengths of both languages, allowing our engineers to spend more time on the fun and challenging stuff — building an AI that the world has never seen before. If this challenge is exciting to you, find out how you can be part of it. https://x.ai/jobs/

