Polar Sync — April Update

Polar Sync
3 min readApr 7, 2022


  • ⚡️ Alpha version of Polar Sync indexing software complete
  • 📈 Infrastructure stability for Ethereum + exploration into BSC archive node processing
  • 👨‍💻 Hired two new developers
  • 💰 Liquidity consolidated into $800,000 pool exclusively on ApeSwap

Polar Sync Alpha Indexing Client

Polar Sync alpha version of the stand-alone backend indexing app is now complete, which is a data processing framework which will allow developers to process and index valuable blockchain information, similar to The Graph.

Utilizing the teams strong background, countless hours of research, and past experience improving the native Graph indexing software, Polar Sync has constructed a brand new data indexing application from scratch.

It is expected to have the capabilities to run upwards of 25x faster than The Graph with dramatically reduced hardware costs.

Polar Sync’s development cycles have focused around these core principals

Blockchain agnostic: Polar Sync is designed to enhance interoperability, meaning that time to integrate and adopt a new blockchain for the software to index data is greatly reduced.

Performance: The primary objective and strong use-case for utilizing Polar Sync is the speed at which the software can operate in comparison to alternatives. We are able to achieve extremely fast processing through built-in parallelism while keeping the order of blockchain data consistent to ensure accuracy.

Developer friendly: The developer will define the way they want to store information to be queried later on using simple language constructs, we will take care of automatically generating the code from the given definitions that will process and store blockchain data.

Simple deployment: Each Polar Sync indexer can independently be deployed quickly and run without a long list of setup instructions or requirements.

Compatibility: GraphQL is supported from the start to allow for a drop in replacement for The Graph software.

Data Infrastructure

The team has deployed updated archive nodes for the Ethereum blockchain with various modifications to improve the software. These nodes enable Polar Sync to scale up rapidly serve data requests in the future.

As a work in progress, Polar Sync is optimizing a custom archive node to sync for Binance Smart Chain in order to process data on BSC.

Lastly, a load balancer for querying blockchain providers has been created, which is able to route requests based on failures and back-pressure measures.

Next Updates

Heading into the future, Polar Sync will finish the GraphQL API backend to enable queries to indexed data. The team will continue to test and enhance the alpha client to push it closer to a production application. Then finally explore options and begin research to expand quickly to other blockchains besides Ethereum.

Expected to be released soon is a speed comparison test of a full sync of Uniswap V3 on Ethereum of Polar Sync vs The Graph’s software. Stay updated on Twitter regarding this, https://twitter.com/Polar_Sync

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