Polar Sync — August to Sept Update

Polar Sync
3 min readOct 7, 2022


Scalability: Data Storage, Query Speed

While processing large dApps, such as Uniswap, we began to further research the scalability of Polar Sync. This led us to discover a considerable improvement that would decouple processing speed with growing data storage needs going forward. We have spent the majority of August and September working on this new core update. Several components of our indexer had to be adjusted to account for the added complexity.

Preliminary tests show that we have achieved an even greater throughput metric than our previous version. In our last update we were 100x faster than The Graph, which was based on Uniswap-V2 reaching 100% sync in 32 hours. Now, with our latest update, we hit a new milestone, fully syncing Uniswap-V2 in under 10 hours 🔥

We greatly reduced our database needs, previously requiring 260 GB of data and over 692 million rows of data for Uniswap alone. Now we only need 15.6 GB for the same amount of rows, a substantial reduction, enabling us to scale for the foreseeable future, even on extremely fast blockchains.

Deployment Infrastructure

Given the ongoing close relationship Polar Sync has with blockchain nodes we onboarded a full time senior Dev Ops engineer to the team in mid August. He has managed the transition of our Ethereum nodes from PoW to PoS seamlessly, as well as improved our automation process for testing, integration, and deployment ⚡️. Going forward the focus is architecting a resilient node infrastructure for greater uptime and reliability.

As a fallback option we have opened an account with Chainstack, a node service provider, for another layer of blockchain nodes in case our system ever goes down. This will help us keep our uptime as close to 100% as possible.

Developer API / Dashboard Prototyping

The Polar Sync indexer is the most important piece of tech we will have built thus far. The vision has always been to have an easy way for developers to write their own set of parameters and deploy Polar Sync automatically. This will be possible with an integrated API package and a developer dashboard.

Below is a mockup design for our developer dashboard which we will begin working on in the coming months.

Look for progress on this in our next update post.


The Polar Sync indexer is extremely flexible and dynamic, to further demonstrate this whilst testing all edge cases, we have started syncing data for additional dApps on Ethereum, including Uniswap V3, AAVE, OpenSea, and Llama Pay.

Along the way we have uncovered several updates that are needed to process data and queries for different types of application needs. This has been another point of focus for our research and development that will span into the coming months. Ultimately this research, testing, and improvement cycle will set up Polar Sync to handle new partners more seamlessly in the future.

Uniswap Analytics Site

In our last update we completed a beta version of the Uniswap site for internal testing. There were a few scalability concerns which we had to address before releasing. We expect to present a URL for the open source Uniswap V2 website in October to showcase our first live demo of a frontend application utilizing Polar Sync for data.

This will be one of the greatest milestones we hit to date, looking forward to sharing this with our supportive community who have been around from the start 🤝


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