Polis Project Weekly Updates (07/29 to 08/06)

Polis Chain
Polis Ecosystem
Published in
4 min readAug 7, 2019

PolisPay cards

The PolisPay cards are finally back.

Several months after the cancellation of the PolisPay card, we are delighted to announce that the PolisPay card is back. You can read the full announcement here:


We were overwhelmed by the amount of support and excitement from our community, so we wanted to take some time to answer some FAQ about the cards:

When will the card be released?

At the moment there is no exact release date, although the release is scheduled for the Q4. Stay tuned for further updates!

If I already had a PolisPay card, will I be able to use it?

If you had the PolisPay card issued by MasterCard, you wouldn’t be able to use your card as the providers have changed. Union Pay will provide new cards.

Will the beta testers from the past card remain the same, or will they change?

If you were a beta tester from the previous card, you would remain a beta tester for the new card.

I’m interested in being a beta tester. What can I do?

If you like to apply for the new card, please fill this form:


If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us on our official social media network accounts.


We are glad to bring you the latest PolisPay release, version 7.2.0!


We worked hard to update the look and feel of our app to match the nature of our products. We hope you like it! We have been working on a rebranding for quite some time, and we are ready to show you the brand new PolisPay image.

The version 7.2.0 has the following improvements:

— Reduced data usage, smarted rate gathering, and processing

— Upgrades to Shift, in terms of service reliability

— Removal of unnecessary sections

— UX Improvements

— Ability to get to the send/receive page from within the home screen. Just swipe to the left!

— Eliminated useless info from transaction history and details

Disclaimer: only download the app from the official Google Play Store, App Store, and the official Github repository

Download link: https://github.com/grupokindynos/polispay-releases/releases

We recently announced a new way for you to use your Polis to get digital gift cards from your favorite shops without leaving our app, use your Polis on real-world goods and services. You can read the full announcement here:


We are still working on bringing you this update, so stay tuned for the release of the open beta for the vouchers on August 15th.

Polis Core

The weekly Polis will be scheduled for another date and will now be released on every Wednesday of each week. On the other hand, official announcements will be slated for Mondays, or other days if necessary.

For the past couple of weeks, the team has been working hard on a brand new image and a redesign to our websites. We are thrilled to show you what we have in store, here’s the new Polis logo that will be used throughout our social media and websites.

We’ll gradually be updating the websites and social media networks in the coming weeks with our brand new image, look out for sneak peeks and easter eggs on our posts.

Polis Nodes

We are now over 700 master nodes!

Our community continues to grow every day, and we’d like to thank you for your support. You can go check out the website here:


Community Management and Outreach

Our COO, Ricardo Bustos will do a live AMA this Thursday, August 8th at 3:00 PM PDT. The interview will discuss the future of the PolisPay app, the PolisPay cards, and Polis blockchain. Here is the link for the interview:


Part of our new social media strategy will be the unification of our Discord channels, so expect some changes in the coming weeks. We’ll also open new accounts dedicated to specific languages. Stay tuned for the official accounts!

We are currently working on a glossary of terms and FAQ; we’ll also release a series of articles that will be about crypto-related subjects. The pieces will touch different concepts such as Blockchain technology, Governance, Decentralization, and many more.

We want to remind you that you can follow us on the following Social Media Networks:

Weekly Polis will now be posted every Wednesday each week in Medium, Discord, and Bitcointalk. Links to each will be shared across all social media.

We’re deeply grateful with all your support from our community and our partner’s communities, and we want to thank you for reading. Together we are strong, and we will strive just as we’ve done before to give you all the best!



Polis Chain
Polis Ecosystem

Polis Chain is a fast, secure, and extensible blockchain that allows people to easily integrate cryptocurrencies into day to day interactions.