The Cultism of Hillary Clinton and the Toxic Feminism and Matriarchy it Has Created…

Extra Newsfeed
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2017

I know why the caged bird sings, Maya Angelou’s autobiography and controversial story of identity rape, racism and literacy is a must read. She talks candidly about being raped as a young girl and resisting her oppressors via struggling to be free of racism and the patriarchy cages of power and control. Her story has been lauded as the story of many of African American women growing up poor and silenced by both racism and patriarchy. Dr. Angelou’s book in all its credits was not meant to give way to the cultism of toxic liberal feminism and oppressive Matriarchy that we now see.

Image taken from Wellesley News

I’ve been in shock of the many black women who are coming forth to defend a rich white woman while tearing down a black woman for daring to speak her truth. Donna was their cheerleader and captain but now that she’s chosen her exorcism of free will, she’s being torn down by the very people who claimed to love and support her before.

These women instead are fighting to defend ‘Mother’, Hillary Clinton who’s bragged on many occasions of always being a Goldwater Girl, who called young black boys Super Predators to push her husband's Crime Bill, who took millions from private prisons, who laments her love for eugenics and racist, Margaret Sanger, a woman who called a former head dragon of the KKK, an inspiration and an American Original, who laughed and mocked the rape of a 12yr old girl, who attacked the many rape and sexual assault victims of her sexual predator, husband.

The toxic feminism of the Negoliberals and their white women benefactors are a clear and present danger to African Americans. Zerlina Maxwell, was summoned from the bowels of the DNC registry of ‘Patsey the Slave’ coons, they keep in their firewall protected rolodex, the same rolodex and place Donna Brazile’s name once safely resided. She and many others have been summoned to report to their social media pages and immediately denounce Donna as either a liar or a Putin stooge. All carrying their own brand of tiki torches draped in hand woven pink vagina’s, trolling the internet for anyone who dares go against (Hillary) Mother and the Establishment.

The rallying cry for sexism and feminism to them for their non-existent white sisterhood, is never to be seen when it is a black woman who’s being persecuted, feminism to them is a litmus test for your undying love for Mother and the democratic establishment. Any black woman who falls short of that, is not worthy of the vagina protection from the pussyhat and ‘limousine liberal’ section of the establishment.

This shameful gatekeeper and firewall protectors that black women have become for all things Hillary and Dem Establishment are beyond sad but more importantly, dangerous. Jehmu Greene is a member of the DNC, someone that should know better but instead Jehmu goes on to blame Bernie, feminism and attacking Obama for DNC’s failures…yet she says like most women, Hillary road in on her white horse and saved the party by bailing it out. Jehmu dishonestly tweets a story about Bernie and his rape theory papers, yet she would never acknowledge the cries and pains of a 12 year old rape victim that Hillary is overhead on tape laughing about and winning the case for the pedophile who rapped her. Jehmu has no issue in this defense that Hillary used against that 12yr old girl, which said that she fantasized about older men and exaggerated and romanticized sexual experience (see video below).


The above video is an excerpt from CNN that went into details on how Hillary went to extraordinary lengths to get her child pedophile rapist free, even taking his underwear to New York to a forensic expert to bring doubt in order to save him from conviction.

It’s amazing that these women want to be equal to white women so badly that they refuse to see racism as the real threat for us all. These women are now willing to throw Obama under a bus, after 8yrs of protecting and defending him…because after all, he’s a black man and his usefulness is now over and they must protect the Queen at all costs.

However, what is laughable is how the DNC was given full control to DWS & Hillary as concession when Hillary lost to Obama. Everyone knew that the DNC was being ran by the Clinton’s and their loyalists. Yet, Obama the incompetent black man and overall head of the DNC, was initially busy helping Hillary pay off her $25M in campaign debt. Gatekeepers and Firewalls like Jehmu Greene and Zerlina Maxwell will never admit these facts. Bernie Sanders is no saint but he’s been an advocate and fighter for African American’s his entire life…none of this can be said for Hillary ‘Goldwater Girl & Super Predator’ Clinton. Black women like Jehmu & Zerlina, are willing to destroy and erase all of African America, if it guarantees them a seat at the table of rich liberal white women…their mission in life will be accomplished.

As my friend @hoosierworld said recently, “We have traded in the white man’s Patriarchy for white women’s Matriarchy”…and at the end of the day, many of these rich white feminists still retreat home to their safe spaces and wealth, with those same rich white men they tricked black women like Zerlina & Jehmu, into thinking they were against.

Samantha Bee, a huge supporter of Hillary Clinton’s Pussyhat crowd and part of the supposed Resistance…is making sure that her kids aren’t going to school with poor black kids in NYC, the same poor black kids whose neighborhoods they’ve been allowed by Democrats to gentrify and erase. This is the type of Limousine Liberalism that black women like Jehmu and Zerlina are begging to be a part of and are willing to attack and destroy any black woman who threatens their pathway to our destruction.

From Russia With Love,




Extra Newsfeed

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!