Mitt Romney’s Greatest Opportunity: Saving America

Romney announces his retirement and stares into an enormous opportunity. Will he use his last year in office to go full rogue against his corrupted party and counter Trumpist authoritarianism with a vengence?

The Ponderosa Pine
4 min readSep 16, 2023
Image source: Wikimedia commons under creative commons license

Mitt Romney, one of the great statesmen of modern America, has announced his retirement at the end of his current term. He will leave office on January 3, 2025.

Romney is the only Republican senator to vote in favor of Trump’s removal from office in both impeachments. He has been a careful bulwark against Trumpism within his own party. Like an elder sage, he has somehow survived the purge, although with power diminished.

Nothing against President Obama, but I voted for Mitt Romney for president in 2012, and I still think he would have made an outstanding president. Policy differences aside, what he touches tends to succeed, from saving the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, to successful governor of blue Massachusetts, to a moderating voice in the Senate representing the state of Utah, Romney can be proud of his legacy.

But he has work to do, and his public retirement announcement and subsequent shot across the bow of Senate Leader Mitch McConell…



The Ponderosa Pine

It's hard not to spread yourself a little thin when you're a hopeless curiosity hound. So, call me a generalist. I write about what interests me.