The Kevin McCarthy Speaker Vote: When the Insane Take Over the Asylum

The Ponderosa Pine
4 min readJan 6, 2023
Image created by author using Canva Pro. McCarthy image source: Flickr under creative commons. Boebert image source: Flickr under creative commons. Trump blob image source: Free SVG under creative commons

Trump’s political spawn in the U.S. House of Representatives have fully hatched. Now they rage aimlessly like escaped mental patients

Update: My prediction was mostly wrong. McCarthy won on the 15th vote. However, I suspect that the looming possibility of Democrats forcing a moderate choice may have influenced the breakthrough.

Who did McCarthy thank right away? Trump, of course. Kiss that ring, Kevin. Your Trump spawn handlers expect it. Better keep them satisfied.

It’s hard to believe that this kind of nonsense is really what Trumpist voters in this country wanted when they elected these idiots, but I could be wrong. There is an absolute circus happening in our U.S. House of Representatives right now.

If you haven’t been following it, a group of about 20 Trumpist House representatives are holding the Speakership hostage because… well, just because, apparently.

As I write this there have now been 11 votes for Speaker of the House with Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leading candidate, repeatedly falling short of the 218 votes he needs. It’s the first time this vote has even gone past the first round in 100 years, and in 1923 it was…



The Ponderosa Pine

It's hard not to spread yourself a little thin when you're a hopeless curiosity hound. So, call me a generalist. I write about what interests me.