4 reasons why buying Populcoin is a good idea

4 min readNov 10, 2017


When it comes to our resources we have worked hard to accumulate, we are all careful to see, where they go, and what we can gain or potentially lose from buying a new currency.

At Popultrade, we fully understand that, that is why we have summed up the benefits of investing your resources into buying Popultrade’s cryptocurrency Populcoin.

1 Populcoin’s multifunctional use

Popultrade will need Populcoin (PCP) for all the following activities:

Big part of profits from realized businesses and ideas will be converted into PCP.

Up to half the amount used to purchase items and services will be converted to Populcoins. The commissions from purchases in online, offline shops, bars and restaurants will be converted to PCP. Also, whenever somebody will purchase somebody’s services or hire somebody for a job, commissions from those purchases of services will be converted to Populcoins. Incomes from advertising on Popultrade will also be converted to PCP and whenever Popultrade affiliates will sell items or services, all of their commissions will be converted into PCPs.

As you can see we will use the classic economy to cover our needs for Populcoins.

Each activity in the PT platform will be rewarded with the PT token — the Populcoin. For example, profits from the businesses will be converted into Populcoins and given to the investors. Commissions from each purchase of articles or services will be converted into Populcoins and added to the PT capital for further investments as well as to the users who were involved either by making a purchase, by voting or carrying out a job in the PT groups, etc.

That is why Populcoin will be a very useful currency to own and operate with at any stage of life.

Check out the chart of the demand for the PCP and estimated growth in value that is based solely on the need for the use of Popultrade platform and its tools on our homepage.

2 Initial buyers get more tokens for the initial price

The crowdsale will take part from 11th of December 2017 to 15th of January 2018.

As a currency to buy Populcoins (listed on ICO as PCP) we will accept Etherum (ETH) so make sure you get that. Price in ETH will be locked from 11.12.2017.

In the crowdsale we will be selling 192 million tokens, which is 64% of all 300.000.000 tokens. You can get more details on Populcoin crowdsale on our homepage.

The unsold tokens will be destroyed after the sale is finished.

So make sure you act fast, because investors that will buy our tokens in the first 48 hours will get 20 % more coins for the actual price of 0,1 $.

Buyers that will react in the first 48–96 hours will receive 13 % more tokens, those that will wait from 4 to 8 days will receive 10 % more and from 8 days until 2 weeks 6 %. Others that will buy tokens at the end of crowdsale after 2 weeks will only receive 1% more of the tokens.

3 If we don’t reach our minimum cap, you get your ether back

If you have made your inquiry on our project, you can see, how serious our project is and how dedicated we are, that the public gets this wonderful system that will create more opportunities and growth all over the world. That is why you basically have nothing to lose:

If we reach our cap goals, even you will be able to use our system to realize your idea or to offer your expertize etc.

If however the crowdsale does not reach the envisioned amount we will return you the received Ether so in any case, you can only gain!

4 If we reach our max cap and you don’t like our product, you can get your Ether back!

Our team members and initial investors are fully devoted to the project. That’s why all tokens, allocated to the team (16%), partners (4%) and advisors (4%) will be held in multi-sig wallets for 24 months. Because all our tokens are pre-mined, we’ve also set aside a portion of tokens for future partnerships (6%), any good idea or proposition during the beta (4%) and bounty program (2%). One of the main purposes of the Populcoin is enabling the growth of Popultrade system and to give all crowdsale investors a system that will allow the usage of Populcoins.

Any contributions over the soft cap (which is set at 8 million) will be locked on the smart contract in the Ether for one year counting from the crowdsale end-date and if after a year you are not satisfied with our work you can redeem your contribution.

Are you ready to prepare for the crowdsale?

Check out the three easy steps to become the owner of the PopulTrade token Populcoin and make sure you are fast on the 11th of December 2017!

Also sign up for our mailing list and get some of our tokens as a part of our bounty program!


