Creating a New World

5 min readOct 28, 2017


People with knowledge, ideas and willingness to learn should have a (better) chance to thrive

Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things, I am tempted to think, there are no little things.

Bruce Barton

A big thought, however, the problem is, that the important little things usually don’ t receive the credits they should because of today’ s economy situations.

But there are people who wish to change that on a big scale…

The story of Popultrade

»When I was young I wanted to make a big business on the field of telemarketing. However, when I tried to realize my idea, numerous complications arose, from finances to legal matters and so on.

Up until now, I have successfully led a few businesses besides my job, but with the market changing quickly, some businesses were successful only for a certain period of time, because business environment keeps changing.

And that is what I love about it. I love the changes and I also love the opportunity internet has offered to young ambitious talents, and now the crypto currencies have also changed the game”, the founder of Popultrade Valter first told me, when I asked him why he started this project.

He knew what were the problems people in this economy face every day. The second thing he had was the vision on how to correct those problems.

A lot of people who live good lives and are true experts on their fields followed him on this path, and that is why I joined and worked my ass off for this project as well.

The reality of today’s market

Because even though nowadays there are a lot of options to start a new business, there are still numerous problems people who wish to start a business or who simply wish to be involved with some business, have to face:

  • People with ideas pick up business partners who later show to be incompetent or not willing to work and it is hard to find good partners or workers in a limited environment
  • If you want to get resources from one source, they usually strip down your rights to the company or they expect a lot for their input.
  • There are competent people in the market place with great formal and informal education, with specific knowledge, who are working as waiters, because in their environment, they don’ t find a job that would fit their expertise.
  • There are people who wish to invest, even if it is only a small amount of their money into ideas they believe in.
  • And last but not least the new economy is a lot of times neglecting people that actually enable this whole process to evolve - the consumers. Let’s face it, if there is nobody who will buy your product, then you don’ t have a business.

Changing the rules of the game

Now imagine the world, where all of those mentioned people can contribute to businesses in ANY way and finally PROFIT from that.

Imagine people profit from having ideas, from offering their specific knowledge and expertise, profit from investing, even if it is only a small amount of money.

Imagine consumers being rewarded for keeping the money in circulation by spending their money on somebody else’s products and services.

Imagine a world where wealth is not controlled by only a few people, where you and millions like you are co-owners of millions of businesses.

Imagine a world where capital gets redistributed and thus creating a mid-high class boosting the economy and improving people’s standard of living.

Imagine a world where you are rewarded and valued based on your merits and contributions.

In this world anyone can easily access capital to realize their ideas or businesses.

In this world you are not judged by how old you are or by the color of your skin, religion or ethnicity.

This world is transparent and truly democratic.

This world is PopulTrade.

The PopulTrade rules

In PopulTrade you can create, join or invest in any kind of business.

It gives you the possibility to offer investments to anyone who has an idea for a business.

Owners of various companies will be able to invest by simply entering an investment request.

Other people, uninvolved in commerce, who just have business ideas, will be able to get capital to fulfill those ideas and turn them into real businesses through the PT groups.

PT will be able to create this capital on account of everyday activities, such as purchases of items, usage of services and successfully executed businesses.

The created capital will be managed in a democratic way by members gathered in the PT groups (like you), members who will cooperate in a business transaction and will contribute to its growth and success, will consequently earn on behalf of their work.

The PT environment will allow a business to be carried out from the initial idea to the final sale of the product. Depending on the type of investment, you will get a share of the profit that you will be later able to trade on the PT.

All processes in PT groups, such as elections of leaders, ratings of members and businesses, voting for the capital allocation, voting for the group rules, etc., will be managed in a democratic way by using smart contracts.

We need you to help YOU

The project has been a work of sweat, tears and personal investments of all the team members. We did it because we believe we can truly change the rules of the game.

Now, you can help us create a better world for you and your children.

Because this world is huge and complexed it needs a small push that will make possible for us, to create this platform which will enable you to participate in a fair world at last.

If you wish to be a part of our story and make sure you and other capable individuals have better chances now, not in the next 1000 or more years, we invite you to invest into our story by taking part on our crowdsale.

Here is how you can help.

Let’s change the world. Together.


