Paint Alongside Bob Ross with Live Pixel Hunt in the Upcoming 400 Episode Marathon on Twitch

2 min readOct 29, 2018


Rejoice art fans! In order to celebrate Bob Ross’s birthday, Twitch is airing a 400 episode paint-a-thon starting today and ending on November 18th.


Alongside this yearly tradition, you can now join the celebration by painting pixel art live as a community using the Live Pixel Hunt extension. During the official paint-a-thon, you will see an extension on the screen which will allow each viewer to choose a color and paint a pixel on a shared board.

ThaButtress’s community showing their talent during the SteamOn challenge

Live Pixel Hunt was already used in the official Twitch Studios live show “StreamOn” a few months back and allowed several communities to show their talent and creativity on stream. This time however, we’ve made some changes in order to make this a truly unique experience.

First of all, each day a different painting of Bob will be featured in the extension. You can show or hide the painting as you wish and it can be used to give inspiration as to what to draw on the board.

A new painting every day!

Second, the Live Pixel Hunt board on the Bob Ross channel can now be accessed from every channel that the extension is installed at! That means that in addition to the regular board you can use in private channels, you can simultaneously access the global board and participate even if you’re not watching the main Bob Ross channel.

It doesn’t matter if you’re co streaming the event or just being creative on your own, the whole Twitch community can now paint together, pixel by pixel, live!

Last but not least, in order to celebrate this event, Live Pixel Hunt will have all of the colors unlocked for free for the entire duration of the paint-a-thon!

Final Words

We would love to get feedback about the event so you can let us know what you enjoyed and what you’d like to see in the future.

In order to share your feedback, join us in our Discord server and/or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Let us know in the comments below which community will you enter as a viewer!

