Support Your Favorite Streamer With Live Pet Using Bits! Now Also Available as an Overlay

2 min readApr 24, 2018


We got some exciting news coming your way — you can now use bits with Live Pet to help support your channel; plus we got new features and the option to use Live Pet as an overlay!

Loving your pet will let it grow ❤

Here’s a short reminder of what Live Pet is and how it works:

Live Pet is a virtual pet that lives in your Twitch channel (you can now choose between a panel and an overlay). Pets gain experience the more active users there are on the channel. Pets can also level up, unlocking new pets and additional features.

Viewers help pets evolve by clicking on them (feeding them love), or just by being around the stream. This means pets always gain experience, but can progress dramatically faster if the community is active.

Progression in Live Pet is a community effort, with each viewer contributing to the channel’s progress. Viewers can view their overall contribution at any given moment in the “Stats” tab. Your pet is an indicator to the community strength, working together toward a common goal.

Now you can show your pet AND let people watch in full screen!

So what’s new?

  • Viewers can now get Powerups using bits
  • Overlay support is now available
  • New animations were added to spice things up!
  • You can now check the Leaderboard on the “Stats” tab to see which viewers contributed the most XP this stream
  • Mobile support — coming soon
  • Daily quests — coming soon
  • Sub emote as a pet — coming (probably) soon

You can install the extension through this link.

All new animations!

We want your feedback!

It’s extremely important for us to learn what mechanics work, what’s fun and what you’d like to see in the future.

In order to share your feedback, join us in our Discord server and/or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Let us know in the comments below what do you think about our new and improved pet extension.

