WHO Check SoPad Launch Introduction

3 min readFeb 29, 2024


WHO Intro

WHO is an ERC-404-inspired treasury-on-token reserve currency. It consolidates a whole decentralized reserve currency idea, like OlympusDAO, into one single token standard. A benchmark price is set by the reserve/total supply.

Trading above the benchmark can result in the growth of Uniswap LP so a natural transition from the low liquidity venues (NFT) to the higher ones (AMM) When trading below the benchmark, treasury redemption & deflation will be triggered instead of further draining LP so the price can automatically recover.

I Token Information

  • TICK: WHO Check
  • Network: BNB Chain
  • Total Supply: 500
  • Price: 0.04ETH/Per WHO Check
    (0.03 ETH goes to the treasury and 0.01 ETH gas cost for NFT transferring on ETH mainnet)

II About Launch

  • SoPad Page: https://sopad.xyz/bsc/WHO_CHECK/0
  • Staking Period: Feb 29th, 12:00 PM UTC — March 1st, 2:00 AM UTC
  • Donation Period: March 1st, 2:00 AM UTC — March 1st, 11:00 AM UTC
  • WHO NFT Airdrop: Before March 2nd 12:00 PM UTC (Subject to further notice by Project WHO404)
  • Blockchain: BNB Chain
  • Total Raise: 20 ETH(BEP20)

The launch is divided into 4 stages:

  • Stage 1: Stake $PORT3 and Earn WHO Check Whitelist;
  • Stage 2: Donate ETH(BEP20) for WHO Check;
  • Stage 3: Claim the WHO Check for $WHO Airdrop.
  • Stage 4: Pot of Liquidity NFT Airdrop by Project WHO404 on ETH mainnet.

III Details

1/ Stage 1 — Stake $PORT3 and Earn $WHO Whitelist

  • Start time: Feb 29th, 12:00 PM UTC
  • End Time: March 1st, 2:00 AM UTC


  • Winner amount: 500
  • Join the SoPad IDO campaign and stake 500 $PORT3 to enter the Whitelist Lucky Draw
  • Check your eligibility after the end of the lucky draw, and donate appropriate ETH(BEP20) to get your allocation of WHO Check.


2/ Stage 2 — Donate ETH (BEP20) for $WHO

  • Start time: March 1st, 2:00 AM UTC
  • End Time: March 1st, 11:00 AM UTC


  • Following the staking stage, pay the 0.04 ETH(BEP20) to complete the donation.
  • Allocations that aren’t claimed during the donation period will automatically expire.


3/ Stage 3 — Claim the WHO Check for $WHO Airdrop

  • Start time: March 1st, 12:00 AM UTC


  • Your WHO Check can be claimed as the donation ends.

4/ Stage 4: $WHO Airdrop by Project WHO

  • Time: Before March 2nd, 12:00 PM UTC (Subject to further notice by Project WHO404)
  • A total of 1,000 Pots of Liquidity NFTs will be minted.
    1 Pot of Liquidity = 100 $WHO ($WHO total supply: 100000)
    500 WHO Check will be minted onSoPad.
  • The WHO Check on SoPad IDO is a winning ticket token on the BNB Chain. If you are a winner, Project WHO404 will send the actual NFT on the ETH mainnet to you.

VI. About SoPad

SoPad Features:

  • Support from Millions in the Community: Integrate with the Port3 Network’s community of 4.5 million users and over 5,000 cooperative projects.
  • Longer Life Cycle & Full Stack Services: Offer a diverse range of fundraising methods and support tools, empowering projects throughout their entire lifecycle.
  • Powered by the Social Data Layer: Harness the power of social data to craft a unique, data-driven Launchpad experience.

👉 SoPad Application Form: https://forms.fillout.com/t/4vjw58gtDdus

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