Blast off with Port3 and Celebrate the Avatar NFT launch

3 min readFeb 8, 2023


Port3 has successfully closed a $3M seed round of funding led by KuCoin Ventures. Thanks to the support and love from our partners and users, we were able to achieve this milestone.

Let’s blast off with Port3 and celebrate the Avatar NFT launch.

When is the event?

Two weeks, February 9th — February 23rd

Who are the partners?

1️⃣ Task Partners:

  • AltLayer, Arc Finance, Automata, dappOS, Gametaverse, IoTex, SaaSGo, SecondLive, TokenPocket, Viabtc Capital
  • CEBG, Kaizen Finance, MarkerDAO, Metatech, Mones, Plena, TreasureNFT

2️⃣ AMA Partners: ArcFinance, Carv, Viabtc Capital, Moonhill Capital, Waves Labs, soldoutnfts

3️⃣ Media Partners: Winkrypto, TechFlow

Reward & Utility

Reward: Limited Port3 Avatar NFT + rewards supported by Partners

Utility of Avatar NFT

(Notice: Port3 Avatar can be minted only once by collecting 500 GemStones on SoQuest, but you can collect and multiple ones from campaigns)

How to participate in campaigns?

Complete the SoQuest tasks

When to announce winners and distribute rewards?

The winners will be manually picked after the end of all campaigns (Feb 24th). And Port3 will airdrop the Avatar NFT to the winner’s address on Feb 24th.

For the rewards supported by partners, Port3 will send the list of winners to partners and they will distribute.

Details for campaign schedule

Session 1: Win the rewards by finishing tasks

Each campaign will last only 3 days, so take your chance to get onboard and have fun! The detailed campaign schedules are as follows:

Session 2: Win the rewards via joining AMA

On February 16th, Port3 will host an AMA panel with Arc Finance, Carv, Viabtc Capital, Moonhill Capital, Waves Labs, and soldoutnfts. The topic will be The Intersection of Crypto and Venture Capital.

You can also grab Avatar NFT via AMA. The reward number will be based on live audience.

1–1000 audiences, Port3 will airdrop 30 Avatar NFTs

1000–2000 audiences, Port3 will airdrop 60 Avatar NFTs

Have Fun and Good Luck!

📍About Port3

Port3 is the bridge between Web2 and Web3. We are building a protocol to aggregate and standardize both off-chain and on-chain data to build a Social Data Layer that is universally accessible and powerful for Web3 use cases.

Currently, we support 9 L1s and most EVMs. All our products are currently free. Our main product is SoQuest, which is our task and minting platform that has over 30k WAU. Combined with our DAO Tools chatbot that covers 2.5m in discord and 2.5m telegram respectively. We are able to segment and profile our users accordingly.

Our vision is to help our users bridge the gap and accelerate the transition to Web3.

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