Port3 Weekly Report: December 25th — December 31st

5 min readJan 1, 2024


Port3 Weekly Recap focuses on bringing new product updates, marketing campaigns, sneak peeks, and more to help you keep pace with us. Below is a quick recap of the latest progress from last week.

✨ Brand Updates

  1. 🌟 Weekly Reward Extravaganza: Port3 Distributes BQL Mining and Social Mining Prizes! 💰💎

In a spectacular showcase of appreciation for community engagement, Port3 has successfully disbursed the highly anticipated rewards from last week’s BQL Mining and Social Mining activities.

Participants are now reaping the benefits of their active involvement, with a dazzling array of tokens and gems making their way to deserving addresses.

𝐁𝐐𝐋 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
- Transaction Fee Pool
13,230 participants shared 1,699,237 USDT
🥇246,065 USDT with 41.9M volume
🥈174,470 USDT with 29.7M volume
🥉169,867 USDT with 28.9M volume

- BQL Dividend Pool
3,891 participants shared 382,328 USDT
🥇29,510 USDT
🥈23,118 USDT
🥉16,378 USDT

- Random Prize Pool
Shared 42,480 USDT
🥇1,428 USDT

𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
🥇20,346 Gems

Up to now, BQL Mining has hit over $800M in transactions and distributes over $3M in Fees Back to users!

This weekly reward distribution adds an extra layer of excitement to the Port3 community, fostering enthusiasm and camaraderie among our valued members.

Stay tuned for more rewarding experiences as we continue to elevate the Port3 ecosystem!

2. Port3 Celebrates 2 Million User Milestone and Surging DAU!

Exciting news in the Port3 community!

We’ve officially surpassed the 2 million user milestone, reaching an outstanding peak Daily Active Users (DAU) of over 50,000 in the past week.

This incredible achievement is a testament to the vibrant and growing Port3 community. A heartfelt thank you to each and every user for contributing to this remarkable journey.

Your support fuels our commitment to innovation and growth. 🙏

3. Port3 Expands Brc20 SatoshiVerse Partnerships!

In our relentless pursuit of advancing the blockchain landscape, Port3 proudly introduces our esteemed SatoshiVerse partners. As pioneers in building BRC20 and innovative inscriptions, we’ve solidified key collaborations:

✅ Support for Bitcoin Network:
Seamless integration with Unisat and OKXWallet, bridging the gap between different blockchain ecosystems.

✅ Dedicated BRC20 Hub:
A centralized hub for BRC20 projects, fostering collaboration and growth within the Port3 community.

Navigation bar for BRC20 Projects on SoQuest landing page

✅ EVM Inscription Empowerment:
With our groundbreaking BQL language, we empower users to effortlessly mint inscriptions on EVM-compatible networks.

✅ Embedding Quests with QaaS:
Projects can now enhance their websites by embedding quests and amplifying engagement and interaction.

Together, we’re summiting the $BTC Ecosystem, marking another milestone in Port3’s journey of innovation and collaboration!

4. Port3 2024 Roadmap

As we stand on the brink of 2024, Port3 is thrilled to share the exciting journey that lies ahead!

In the remarkable year of 2023, Port3 witnessed significant milestones, including over $10 million in investments, a user base exceeding 2 million, and a staggering $500 million in transaction volume on the Port3 Aggregator.

Now, as we set our sights on the future, the Port3 2024 roadmap promises an exhilarating ride filled with innovation, growth, and groundbreaking developments.

Stay tuned for a year of exploration, expansion, and unparalleled experiences with Port3.

⚡️ SoQuest Shines in Top SocialFi and DApps Rankings! 🌐🚀

Exciting news for the SoQuest community!

We’re thrilled to announce that SoQuest has secured its position on multiple prestigious lists, reflecting its remarkable performance and user engagement.

1️⃣ Top 10 SocialFi dApps by Volume (30d) reported by CrptoDep.

SoQuest stands tall among the leading SocialFi decentralized applications, showcasing its influence and popularity in the social finance space.

2️⃣ Top 10 BSC DApps Dominating User Growth (Past Week) reported by Tyrano Analytics.

SoQuest’s exponential growth on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) has earned it a coveted spot among the top projects, underscoring its impact on user adoption and activity.

3️⃣ Top Projects on Polygon by Trading Volume (Last 7D) reported by Polygon Radar.

SoQuest’s footprint extends to Polygon, where it has been recognized as one of the top projects with $113.42M trading volume in the past week.

This recognition reaffirms SoQuest’s commitment to providing a dynamic and engaging platform, and we extend our gratitude to our vibrant community for their continued support! 🎉🙌

📍About Port3

Port3 is the bridge between Web2 and Web3. We are building a protocol to aggregate and standardize both off-chain and on-chain data to build a Social Data Layer that is universally accessible and powerful for Web3 use cases.

Currently, we support 16 L1s and most EVMs.
Our main product is SoQuest, which is our task and minting platform that has over 30k WAU. Combined with our DAO Tools bot that covers 10.9m in Discord and 6.4m Telegram respectively. We are able to segment and profile our users accordingly. Our vision is to help our users bridge the gap and accelerate the transition to Web3.

BQL as an AI-powered zero-code executor for on-chain actions, provides an open way for intent layer possibilities

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