Introducing AI-Empowered New SoQuest Dashboard

4 min readMar 3, 2023


We are excited to share that we has launched a new SoQuest dashboard to make this Web3 quest platform easier than ever for campaign creators to build engaging and interactive experiences for their users.

The new dashboard features an AI-powered poster and badge generator, a streamlined design, and powerful data analytics tools. These new features make the platform more user-friendly and intuitive while giving campaign creators the tools they need to create and manage successful quests.

AI-empowered Poster and Badge Generator

One of the most exciting new features of the SoQuest dashboard is its AI-Empowered poster and badge generator. Based on the background and frame templates, campaign creators only need to describe what they want in the poster or badge, and the AI will generate one that is both relevant and visually appealing.

This feature saves time and makes it easier for campaign creators to design eye-catching visuals that attract and engage players.

With this AI-Empowered feature, creators can now easily produce posters and badges that match their quest’s theme and aesthetics. The system is constantly learning and evolving, meaning that the generated posters and badges will only improve with time.

A More Intuitive Dashboard Design

SoQuest’s new dashboard features a modern and streamlined design that is consistent with the front-end design of the platform, creating a cohesive and enjoyable experience for campaign creators. The design also incorporates a white tone, giving it a clean and professional look.

The new onboarding process includes a step-by-step tutorial that guides new users through the platform’s features and capabilities, making it easier for campaign creators to get started and create their own quests. The improved navigation system and user interface make it easy to find the tools and features needed to create and manage quests, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for campaign creators.

Powerful Data Analytics Tools

The new SoQuest dashboard includes powerful data analytics tools that enable campaign creators to track their quest’s performance and monitor user engagement. The data is presented in chart form, making it easy for campaign creators to track progress and identify trends.

Campaign performance data includes impressions, users, actions, and conversation rates, allowing campaign creators to evaluate how their quests are performing and optimize their strategies for greater engagement. With this data, creators can make informed decisions about which parts of their quests are most engaging and adjust their quest content and improve user engagement and retention accordingly.

The launch of this new dashboard is part of SoQuest’s ongoing commitment to innovation and helping creators build more immersive experiences on Web3. Tune in for more features.

About Port3

Port3 is the fastest growing Web3 gateway to Social Insights. Currently, we leverage over 4.5 million users across IM & Social Media with an average WAU of 29k. Port3 aggregates and standardizes both off-chain and on-chain data to build a Social Data Layer that is universally accessible and powerful for Web3 use cases. We currently cover 9 L1s and most EVMs. We are building 3 Pillars to support the Port3 universe:

  1. Social Data Acquisition: leverages incentives from projects to encourage users to share their identities & data. In exchange, we help projects bootstrap traffic through #SoQuest, our proprietary software built for Web3 community engagement.
  2. Data Aggregation: Our in-house algorithm that refines and standardizes user data which segments user profiles according to Preference, Value & Authenticity.
  3. Social Data Layer: Open and Collaborative On-chain data Oracle that is fully customisable. Tailor made for Web2 & Web3 platforms to integrate and optimise their use of social data.

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