Introducing SoQuest Onboarding Campaign

4 min readMay 5, 2023


We are delighted to announce the launch of the SoQuest onboarding campaign, a powerful customer acquisition and retention strategy that helps project teams manage user segmentation and increase user engagement and loyalty.

What is an Onboarding Campaign?

Unlike one-time quests, an onboarding campaign is a long-term strategy that provides users with a series of automated messages or tasks to guide them through the features and benefits of your project. It is designed to help new users know your project, increase their engagement, and become loyal users.

(Back-end View)
(Front-end View, Click here to check more)

At SoQuest, we understand the importance of effective onboarding campaigns, which is why we offer five customizable templates that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your project.

These templates include:

  • Twitter Follower: This template is designed for users who follow your project’s official Twitter account. It can help you increase your social media following and keep your followers engaged with your project’s latest updates.
  • Community Member: This template targets users who join your Discord channel, Telegram group, or follow your SoQuest Space. It is an effective way to build a strong community around your project and foster user engagement.
  • NFT Holder: This template is aimed at users who hold certain NFTs released by your project’s official channels. It can help you reward your loyal customers and incentivize them to hold on to your NFTs.
  • Token Holder: This template targets users who hold tokens released by your project. It can help you increase the value of your tokens and encourage users to hold on to them for longer.
  • On-Chain Interactor: This template is designed for users who interact on the blockchain with your project’s official contracts. It can help you track user behavior on the blockchain and target users who are most engaged with your project.

In addition, after launching the onboarding campaign, the project admin can click the ‘…’ button on the frontend page to publish announcements and keep users up-to-date with the latest info in real-time.

Benefits of the Onboarding Campaign

The SoQuest onboarding campaign offers several benefits for project teams, including:

1. Long-Term Effectiveness

Unlike one-time quests, an onboarding campaign can be a permanent fixture of your project’s user acquisition and retention strategy. It can help you continuously onboard new users and retain existing ones.

2. User Guidance

Onboarding campaigns provide users with a step-by-step guide on how to use your project, increasing their engagement and loyalty. It can help new users understand your project’s value proposition and encourage them to become long-term customers.

3. User Segmentation

Onboarding campaigns can help you segment your user base for targeted marketing and engagement. By understanding the behavior of your users, you can tailor your marketing messages to specific user segments, increasing their engagement with your project.

We invite you to create your own SoQuest onboarding campaign and reap the benefits of this powerful customer acquisition and retention strategy. With our customizable templates and intuitive campaign builder, creating an onboarding campaign that suits your project’s needs has never been easier.

More About SoQuest

SoQuest is a one-stop Web3 task tool that allows Project Operators, KOLs, and DAOs to easily curate dedicated space and launch campaigns to grow their brand and online presence.

key features of SoQuest

  • Web3 native and free. SoQuest is all about the Web3. The product design layout, the task creation process, the account binding, etc. are all developed based on Web3 user behavior. You can now engage users and grow the brand with free marketing!
  • All-in-one questing services. We provide all-in-one questing services: questing+minting+token drops with super fast setup and verification!
  • AI-empowered dashboard. SoQuest has its AI-Empowered poster and badge generator. Based on the background and frame templates, campaign creators only need to describe what they want in the poster or badge, and the AI will generate one that is both relevant and visually appealing.
  • Powerful Data Analytics. SoQuest includes powerful data analytics tools that enable campaign creators to track their quest’s performance and monitor user engagement. The data is presented in chart form, making it easy for campaign creators to track progress and identify trends.

🔸SoQuest Dashboard Tutorial

📍About Port3

Port3 is the bridge between Web2 and Web3. We are building a protocol to aggregate and standardize both off-chain and on-chain data to build a Social Data Layer that is universally accessible and powerful for Web3 use cases.

Currently, we support 9 L1s and most EVMs. All our products are currently free.

Our main product is SoQuest, which is our task and minting platform that has over 30k WAU. Combined with our DAOTools chatbot that covers 5.5m in Discord and 3.4m Telegram respectively. We are able to segment and profile our users accordingly. Our vision is to help our users bridge the gap and accelerate the transition to Web3.

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