Decent Fucking Human Mike Brown (Positively Terrible Episode 21)

Terrible Scott
2 min readOct 9, 2023


This week’s Decent Fucking Human is a man I admire. That might not sound like much considering anyone who earns the title of Decent Fucking Human has my admiration, but this guy has the acclaim to go with it. You see, in 2017 he decided therapy was too expensive and (probably) said “fuck it, I’ll just start a podcast,” and start a podcast he did. It’s called The Art of Letting Go, and he’s now 200 episodes deep and a full time creator.

Pictured: Mike Brown, Decent Fucking Human, and host of The Art of Letting Go Podcast.

Mike grew up in Texas. There are so many great people and places in Texas, but Mike also grew up Black and Queer. You’ve probably heard the same rumors I have that Texas is not the easiest place to grow up Black or Queer, let alone Black and Queer. That’s okay though, because Mike turns mountains into molehills. He puts all his energy behind his passions and succeeds. He’s also humble though, so he’s probably going to hate this intro (sorry Mike).

The thing that struck me the most about our conversation was the way he talked about his parents. If you are a parent and want to know how to raise a Decent Fucking Human, listen to this episode. Mike’s Mom and Dad showed up to the table. They made sure he was respected and treated fairly. They were there for him. There may have been an adjustment period after Mike came out, but he gave them the space to work that out. He even said he couldn’t judge them because for a long time he didn’t even accept himself. Spoiler alert — it all worked out fine with Mike and his family, and for that reason I am going to welcome them into the Decent Fucking Family as well. Mike, please bestow the honor upon them and report back on their reaction. Everyone else, please press play.

Listen to Mike’s episode at or wherever you get podcasts.

Positively Terrible is a mental health podcast born from the trauma of discovering my wife’s secret lives. Each week we tell stories told by Decent Fucking Humans. This episode is called Growing Up Black and Queer in Texas — with Mike Brown. Follow for more stories of surviving and thriving after trauma.

