3 min readJul 31, 2020

How to be a Successfull Businessman

Lovingly to those who want to do business and become world famous rich ….

Jeff Bezos, 55, the boss of amazon, wanted to share some business habits with those who want to grow their business.

If he stops Amazon today and decides to spend the fortune.

If you spend 1 million USD a day, it will take about 400 years to complete Jeff Bezos’ entire fortune

But why doesn’t he do it. We have to ask ourselves if we would not do that.

What is clear from this is that his goal is not just to make money.

Money should not be the goal of any entrepreneur.

Does that mean we should do social service without wanting money? NO.

Money is the by-product of our labor and time.

Money is the by-product of our hard work and time spent to solve a problem in society, something that we do willingly to make something easier for society.

Amazon’s success is due to the fact that even a product that is not available in our country can be delivered directly to our home with a digital screen, at a lower cost than buying directly.

He started amazon in 1994.

He has been running this business for 25 years. There may have been several stages in which the business had to end. Jeff Bezos was the first to arrive at the office in the early days of the business and the last to leave the office.

He will return from the office only after giving an appropriate and polite answer to the customer’s doubts and complaints …

From the first day of business

Recognition, respect and importance given to its customers has played a major role in the growth of Amazon’s business.

I have heard him say in many interviews that a better customer experience has brought this company to the top. He focused on how to make the customer happy.

25 years of hard work have made him the richest man in the world.

But he loved this process more than he loved money. If not, the moment the money arrives, he stops it, builds some shopping malls, rents them out and buys rent for the rest of his life … I wish I could live as tension free.

We do not like 100 percent,

90% of enterprises close down within 5 years because they start a business with profit only.

In terms of attitudes among new entrepreneurs,

* They love themselves more than they love their venture.

* Prefers to travel in expensive cars,

* Likes to put up a big house,

* Shows a desire to change lives with great comfort

* I try to prove to others that I am a successful entrepreneur,

* In 4, 5 years, you can quickly make money and relax, I think you can see around the country.

If you are an entrepreneur now, start liking your venture sincerely,

Try to touch the heart of the customer with your product / service.

If you are a person who intends to start a venture,

innovative idea,

A more profitable business, do not waste time looking for anything.

Look around. Observe.

Study the problems around you,

By solving those problems,

Think about how to create a value and make money.

You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

So if you go ahead with patience you can sew your own presence in the business world ….