Flee the Hidden Bondage of U.S. Tyranny Today: Freedom in Five Minutes for Free

James A. Todaro, former CPA
8 min readJan 30, 2019


A sea of laws deny you the promised land of the U.S. Constitution. That sea can be parted, right here, right now. Here’s how.

The promise of the U.S. Constitution is just five minutes away.

Laws are the difference between tyranny, a failed state and freedom. The most powerful lawmaking force in the U.S. is called a whip, as in “majority whip.” Like most Americans, you probably know little about how powerful political whips really are or how they work BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE ONE OR CREATE ONE! That’s right. The most powerful force in the lawmaking process and you’re not allowed to use it. This article will show you how to be free to create or be part of a whip in support of anything you want without any legal limits, right here, right now in just five minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, the U.S. Constitution is about to get real. If you are a U.S. resident, you will also get free money today to use with your new freedom, you just have to say “ok.”

Breaking free is as simple as crossing the Red Sea after it’s been parted. If you just want to be free and you don’t care how it’s done, you can be free in five minutes by following the instructions here. Unfortunately, if you do this and skip reading this article you will have no way of knowing what just happened and you’ll be pretty much alone because you’ll be among the first in the country to be free.

Your path to freedom was designed by this author who is a CPA. The strategy for freeing you is very similar to that used on tax returns and SEC financial statements: What’s the most profitable way for people to gain as much freedom as possible from financial rules and regulations without breaking the law?

The Red Sea of American Tyranny

You are blocked from freedom by a fairly well hidden law (52 U.S. Code § 30101(4) and the state equivalents) controlling the creation of political whips. If you follow politics much, you are probably familiar with the title “Majority Whip.” This is the person who makes the majority leader the most powerful elected official after chief executives like the President or governors. The whip phenomenon is such a powerful force that even these official ones are highly regulated. Every single legislature in the U.S. is controlled by a party whip. Have you ever wondered why lawmakers toe the party line on some issues? It isn’t luck, it’s party whips.

Though the definition of a whip is publicly available, very little about how they work is. Their mechanics are fairly secret with most of the action occurring behind closed doors. A lot can be gleaned just from the name though. A cowboy wielding one whip that is powerful enough to be a threat to just one cow can drive an entire herd. The cowboy doesn’t need to give the cattle any gifts nor does he need to actually beat them. The crack of the whip proves what the cowboy can do and that’s all he needs.

With the power of a whip, you will be free to eliminate all the other areas of tyranny since the lawmaking process controls all law. Freedom to create a whip means you would have no need for donating money, trying to influence the news media or even finding lots of people to support you. All you need is a whip bigger than those in opposition and you will win just by forming the whip.

If you’re worried about corporations, unions and the super wealthy getting a hold of this freedom and overpowering you, they have different regulations. This plan won’t help them. Since lawmaking power is a zero sum game, giving you more power also means these elites end up with less.

The Parting of the American Red Sea

Creating a whip does take money even if that money never needs to be spent. Money is what makes the threat of the whip real. Just like manna from heaven, you will be gifted the money you need to create or participate in your first whip.

Once you have your money, the key to forming a legally free whip is to prove how much you would seriously consider spending in support of political action. This must be done in a way that you retain control of the money. The law is very strict on you retaining control; so, any kind of promise or contract to use the money for purposes of the whip would be a violation. Let’s call meeting this high legal standard “proving without promising.”

Once you prove without promising, there is something else you need in order for your political statement to mean anything. You cannot do anything alone in American politics. In order to have power, you need to be able to join with your political allies; but remember, if you want to be free of the tyranny of the limits on whips, you must retain your independence and be in full control of your money until YOU DECIDE to give it away.

This is where things can get a little confusing. If a whip works, you should never have to give away any money: Either your whip is too small for any lawmakers to pay attention to it; or, it’s big enough that they should run from it. If your whip is too small, why waste your money influencing elections? If your whip is big enough that a targeted lawmaker has no choice but to do what it commands, why would you want to waste money influencing that election unless the lawmaker is politically suicidal?

How to Prove Without Promising and Make a Whip

In order to prove without promising and create a whip, you need a very simple service that has four features in addition to giving you money.

First, the service needs to take a deposit of this money in support of the political action that you want. This proves the amount that you are willing to set aside for your cause. This must be done in a way that the deposit is still entirely yours and can be withdrawn at any time. Any financial incentive like interest paid in exchange for this deposit would dilute it’s political meaning so none should be offered.

Second, the service needs to make public the amount of money it has on deposit in support of each issue. As we discussed earlier, this information is critical to deciding what you want to do with your deposit. This display can also be a call to potential allies to join with your whip.

Third, each deposit needs to accompanied by a subscription to a publication that gives you the information that you need to coordinate your action with your political allies. The publication could provide this information simply by interviewing someone most of the depositors trust on the same issue. To facilitate identifying this person, the depositors could name at the time of their deposit who they would trust and would like to see interviewed.

As part of the interview, the trusted adviser could give a full range of advice, maybe the depositors should keep building the whip or maybe apply the deposits to another cause because the current one is hopeless, etc.

Of course a whip only has power because it has the potential to cause great pain, even if it’s in the interests of everyone that this pain be avoided if at all possible. One of the ways the deposits could cause great pain is if the deposits in support of a cause were refunded, in whole or in part, and these refunds were accompanied by advice from the trusted adviser to donate the refunds to defeat a targeted lawmaker. This could occur if the deposits began to lose their meaning as a political statement. For example, maybe a targeted lawmaker thinks the whip is a bluff. What service would the publisher be providing and how useful would his service be if he held on to deposits that had lost their political meaning?

If you think about it, this could be a very dangerous whip indeed. In the refund scenario above, people will have money in their hand, that they’ve already proven that their willing to do without in support of their cause, being told by someone that they already said they trust on their issue, that their cause has failed because of lawmaker so and so who thought they were a meaningless joke, and if they want to get the action they justly deserve, they should contribute the money sitting in their hand to the opponent of this lawmaker.

If the Federal courts agree that depositing money in support of a political statement is protected free speech, if they agree that subscribing to a publication that gives advice on how to spend money on a political issue is free press, then their should be no limit on the number of people who can participate in this whip. In a world where political communication is a function of money, what freedom of speech is more important than allowing people to show how much they would spend in support of a political demand? In world where spending money on political communication is a total waste unless it can be coordinated with others, what freedom of press is more important than giving people the freedom to subscribe to advice on now they should do this?

Just for starters, consider if 10,000 people from around the country deposit $100 each in support of gun rights. That’s a $1,000,000 that could flow into the campaign of the opponent of some targeted lawmaker. Let’s say this whip is first directed at the Maine State House where a much smaller whip would be needed to demonstrate it’s power to the country than if a more populous state was targeted. Consider that the NRA is prevented by Maine Political Action Committee (PAC) laws from contributing more than $350 in this situation. The NRA is limited to a fly swatter for a whip.

The public whip described above would be the equivalent of a political nuclear bomb. A targeted lawmaker could find his or her political career turned to ashes by a force never before seen in history. Much like a super power nuclear strategy, a detonation of such a nuclear bomb should never become necessary unless a targeted lawmaker became suicidal. Once such a demo of a whip showed it’s deterrence ability, certainly it would grow bigger until bigger states and eventually the U.S. Congress could be whipped.

Some would argue that traditional political action groups can get around the limits by independently spending “dark money.” This money has a lot of limitations, mainly it cannot be coordinated with a candidate. The money in our whip can be what’s called “hot” money. This money can be used by candidates however they see fit to get elected. It’s much more flexible and can deliver the personal message that candidates need to get voters to know them. You can’t expect people to vote for someone they don’t know, which is usually the biggest problem for challengers at the state representative level.

There’s one more piece to the puzzle. What good is a whip if no one can hear it? The whole point of a whip is to be cracked and cracked loudly. This can be done on the service’s web page by reporting the totals of the “votes” it has on deposit in support of various political demands and leaders. The service then interviews leaders by asking them what plans they have for advising their supporters and reports back the results again on its web page. In this way leaders can appeal for more support and they can target specific lawmakers and thereby crack the whip over their heads.

See it in Action

This author has created the service described above and it is currently the only service of its kind available in the world. You can see it here.



James A. Todaro, former CPA

Founder of PowerVote, Freedom from U.S. Tyranny in Just Five Minutes