A political weapon so powerful, it will control America and almost never be detonated.

New American Political Atom Bomb Coming Soon

Make big money by owning it’s Plutonium before the world learns what it can do.

James A. Todaro, former CPA
3 min readSep 20, 2019


In the name of Jesus Christ and for the love of God and neighbor, I am introducing the political equivalent of the atom bomb to the U.S.A.

This political equivalent of the atom bomb is pretty much built and you can see it’s progress for yourself at PowerVote.io. This article tells you what this new weapon will soon do and how you could make a lot of money if you act before it’s “Hiroshima” moment.

The fuel for this political bomb is political power that you can own and resell just like weapons grade Plutonium (legally of course). Although this “Plutonium” has an unequaled ability to influence elections because it is legally free from certain campaign finance laws, its real value is its ability to force unconditional surrender from legislative bodies without being spent.

Here’s How You Make Big Money

Imagine being one of the few people in the world who knows that a commodity that is almost worthless now will be the only way to control the most powerful country in the world soon and this commodity is in very limited supply. You should be able to make an absolute killing.

Here’s How the Bomb Works

Before you review the PowerVote.io web page to see the bomb for yourself, here’s what you need to look for in order to see it’s power:

  1. The use of deposits instead of contributions for political influence. Two of the key advantages of deposits are that they can be a threat to lawmakers without being spent and they are legally free of campaign finance laws that protect the jobs of lawmakers. This makes the threat almost impossible for lawmakers to stand against so the deposits should rarely need to be spent.
  2. The PowerVotes you see on deposit in support of political demands are a commodity similar to weapons grade Plutonium that can be bought, stored, and sold at profit. They can be used in support of any political demand.
  3. The pooling of enough power to defeat one or two lawmakers of average electoral strength should be enough to control an entire legislature without any of the power being spent at all. The PowerVote web page makes this pooling very easy while each depositor retains control of their PowerVotes.
  4. The supply of PowerVotes cannot be increased. The blockchain limits the supply to 120 million. That’s about three PowerVotes for every person who voted in the last presidential election. Similar to Bitcoin, there’s nothing anybody can do to increase the supply. The price will go up as its power becomes apparent.
  5. The political issues currently discussed and elections targeted on PowerVote’s web page, though very important, are of secondary importance in comparison to the ability to control elections that will be demonstrated soon. Once this power is demonstrated, average Americans should be able to obtain unconditional surrender from all U.S. legislative bodies.

The NRA and similar political action groups are prohibited from contributing more than a harmless amount to a legislative candidate. This limit protects incumbents from serious attack. For all intents and purposes, there is effectively no legal limit on a PowerVote attack on a candidate. The first PowerVote attack on a lawmaker, which will happen during the 2020 election cycle in Maine, should shake up every lawmaker in the country because the jobs of almost every lawmaker in the country are protected by similar laws. This will be PowerVote’s Hiroshima moment. PowerVote already has enough subscribers to make this happen.

Free PowerVotes for You

If you act now, you will receive 1,000 times more PowerVotes and political power than the average American will receive. All you have to do is accept PowerVote’s free subscription offer before November 30th, 2019. You will receive 3,000 PowerVotes free, PowerVote will cast them in support of any political demand that you want and give you a free subscription to the PowerVote Refund Alert System. These PowerVotes will be yours and you can request to have them refunded at any time. You can then sell them for whatever the market will bear.

For your free subscription and free 3,000 PowerVotes, just send your email address, phone number and name to jim@powervote.io. Please note: If you do not list a political demand, PowerVote will cast your votes behind “Support the 2nd Amendment.”



James A. Todaro, former CPA

Founder of PowerVote, Freedom from U.S. Tyranny in Just Five Minutes