How To Use Your PowerSpike Profile Graphic

3 min readOct 2, 2017



A while back, we released a cool new feature that allows you to place a pre-made (and customized) graphic in your info section that links to your PowerSpike Public Profile.

If you’re here to sign up for a chance to be featured as our PowerSpike Monthly Featured Streamer (or if you’d just like to use the graphic 😉), this article is going to show you exactly how you can do that.

But before I jump in, I wanna address a question you may be asking:

“What the heck is the point of using the profile graphic?”

Fair question. I’m sure you don’t want to slap a branded graphic in your info section for no reason, and we don’t want you to either.

But don’t worry, because there are a ton of great reasons to do this! Here are just a few:

  1. Through your PowerSpike profile page, brands know immediately where to contact you for sponsorship requests. That way, there’s no chance you miss a request by having a jumbled email inbox.
  2. Your profile has a ton of promising metrics that can help a brand decide to sponsor you. Brand owners are obsessed with metrics, and your profile is where they can get them.
  3. Through PowerSpike, your sponsorship payments are 100% guaranteed. You don’t have to worry about getting jipped through your profile graphic.
  4. To top it all off, we take 0 commission from any new brands that sign up and sponsor you from your profile page. Not bad, eh?

All right, I’m sure you get the point.

So how can you place the profile graphic in your info section, you ask?

1. To start, head to your PowerSpike profile page.

First you must log into PowerSpike.

Then, head to[yourtwitchusername] . Just be sure to replace [yourtwitchusername] with, you guessed it!

2. Once you’re on your profile, click on “Download Your Custom Sponsor Image”

Near the top of the page, you’ll see some blue text that says, “Download Your Custom Sponsor Image”. This is what we’ll be using in your stream’s info section.

After you click that text, your image should start downloading.

3. Next, throw that bad boy into your info section.

Putting your profile graphic in your info section is easy. First, head to your channel and scroll down to your info section.

Then, you see that little button that says, “Edit Panels”? Switch that to “On”:

Next, scroll down some more and you’ll see a big + button. Click on that, then click “Add a Text or Image Panel”.

After that, upload your PowerSpike Profile Graphic into your info section by pressing “Add Image”. Then, link your PowerSpike profile page in the box that says “Image Links To:” (this one here:[yourtwitchusername]).

And finally, add a snazzy description that makes any brand want to click that button and sponsor you. Feel free to take the one I wrote in this image:

Click submit, and you’re good to go!

Now, if you’re Liked our Facebook Page and Followed us on Twitter, you officially qualify as a PowerSpike Monthly Featured Streamer!

Haven’t signed up for your chance to be featured? No time to waste! Click on the button below to start the signup process.

Thanks again for reading, and happy sponsorships!




Written by Powerspike

We connect Twitch streamers with brands for sponsorship opportunities. | DM or email for help | 🎮 🎮

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