Sharing A Global Language Through the Power of Images

3 min readJan 9, 2019


As the saying goes:

“A picture is worth a thousand words,” ….or is it

“One look is worth a thousand words,” ….or actually it must be

“One picture is worth ten thousand words,” …..or maybe it’s

“The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book.”

Well, regardless of the saying, what all of these quotes refer to is the idea that a picture is able to convey deeper meaning to a viewer than a written or spoken description of the same thing.

It’s no wonder, then, that as a society prone to sharing all aspects of our lives, we’re drawn to social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest where we can show our followers what we’re wearing, where we’re going, what we’re eating, and what we’re wanting, all without saying more than a few words at a time. We’ve become a very visual society.


With about 6,500 spoken languages around the world, images have become our shared means of communication — a way to connect with people who might be different than ourselves, but with whom we have at least one thing in common: the ability to interpret the beauty of a picture.

According to researchers at the City University of London, “an image-based study demonstrates that the presence of visuals, or so-called image acts, increases the ability to account for message sharing. The findings explicate brand message sharing by consumers and thus offer guidance to content managers for developing more effective conversational strategies in social media marketing” (Ordenes, Grewal, Ludwig, de Ruyter, Mahr, Wetzels, 2018).

In other words, we like to share visual messages — our visual language. It just so happens that this also puts retailers in an unparalleled position to learn more about their consumer and to market better to their audience through their audience’s preferred language: the image.


Building on what Instagram and Pinterest figured out less than a decade ago, Pozess is acting on the notion that consumers love to share their personal style with a like-minded network of individuals, and that small and medium sized merchants can grow their audience size by showcasing unique products through visually appealing photos posted on the Pozess platform.

As a novel twist for the online shopping world, Pozess empowers the consumer to control the market, allowing them to post photos from local boutiques and other lesser-known retailers that they find in their discovery process while also helping retailers build their following and grow their consumer base.

When users post images of retailers’ products on platforms like Instagram or Pinterest, many times merchants have no knowledge of this promotion and, therefore, they cannot act on it — they can’t gain insight into the potential customer who posted the image or find out what the overall response to the product was. With Pozess, however, merchants are notified immediately any time a user posts, likes, or shares their image via outside social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc). Then, retailers are invited to post their products and gain more overall visibility for their brand.

With the significant power entrusted to the users by connecting them directly to the merchants, the everyday consumer effectively becomes a micro-influencer by organically promoting and increasing the visibility of merchants both on and off the Pozess platform. This, in turn, builds a decentralized marketplace curated by the consumer.

Pozess is the ideal mix between social sharing and online shopping, and it truly lives up to the belief that “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

Learn more about Pozess on our website:

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Instagram: @joinpozess






Pozess is a Blockchain powered photo curation and shopping platform that lets users discover, submit and shop unique luxury goods.