How art and craft develop all four aspects of growth & development

Prabhdeep singh
3 min readMay 29, 2023


art and craft

Art and craft courses are a fun activity for children to spend their time. For a parent, an art and craft course might be a hobby for their kids to be engaged in. However, did you know that art and craft courses help your children’s overall growth and development? Along with getting better at art, your children can improve other aspects of development through art and craft courses.

Studies have shown that children engaged in art and crafts activities showed improvement in all four aspects of growth and development. These are their intellectual, emotional, and physical skills and social growth and development. Art and craft courses give your child a fun opportunity to improve their skills and talents. Let us dive a little bit deeper into how art and craft courses help in a child’s development.

Improves maths concepts

Art and craft courses are rarely associated with the development of math concepts. On the contrary, math concepts are often incorporated into art and craft activities. It also seems to have a positive impact on the development of mathematical skills, especially in children below the age of 8. How does art help in learning math concepts, you may ask? Children engaged in art activities get to identify shapes and sort out their different art supplies. It also requires them to take measurements of lengths and sizes when engaged in an art activity.


Art, no doubt, improves the creative aspect of a child’s mind. Art is a form of self-expression, and with it, children find a medium to express their thoughts and feelings. It enlightens new pathways to problem-solving and ideas.

Motor skills

Engaging in art and crafts activities involves the use of muscles in the child’s hand. This can improve muscle coordination among growing kids. Improving muscle coordination can help in the faster development of the child’s motor skills. This, in turn, can affect their day-to-day activities, from writing to eating on their own.

Improves self-esteem

Completing tasks or activities can instill a sense of achievement among children. Art and craft courses are a great way for children to gain this feeling of achievement. Expressing their thoughts through art can improve their confidence when communicating with others. Like most activities, children improve their skills the more they engage in art. This grasp of techniques can help children realize their potential and increase their self-esteem.

Concentration & patience

Perfecting a skill takes time and practice. The same can be said about art. Concentration and patience are not something that is achieved overnight. Teaching your children the value of patience and concentration at a young age can mold their character development for years to come. Art and craft activities are one of the best ways to incorporate these values in children. Through art, children learn that patience and concentration can be rewarding in the end. Art completed through dedication and concentration can bring forth a sense of accomplishment in the child’s mind.


There is no argument about the benefits art and crafts can have on children’s development. It can be a great way to initiate creativity and enhance the skills of children. Art and craft courses involve a high form of creativity that is perfect for inspiring and challenging young minds. This, in turn, can be reflected in improved critical thinking and knowledge.

Enrolling children in art and crafts courses can be beneficial for the child’s growth and development. With classes and services becoming online, enrolling your kids in online art classes would be a good idea. Platforms like Talentgum provide online art courses through video formats to enhance your child’s artistic talent. At Talentgum, we believe that improvements in art can directly reflect in a child’s overall development and growth. We strive to provide our children with the best opportunities by presenting a platform with positive reinforcement and dedicated teachers.



Prabhdeep singh

I am Prabhdeep Singh, a passionate blogger sharing my thoughts and insights on various subjects.