
The Tragedy of Rio Grande do Sul

An increasingly common face in our generation

George Dmitry Reul Gilligan
10 min readMay 8, 2024


With great sorrow in the heart, this article addresses a tragedy of devastating proportions that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul in 2024. The pain of witnessing the daily unfolding of this catastrophe is indescribable. However, the purpose of this text is not to focus on my emotions but rather to provide clear and instructive information for anyone reading it. At the end, official donation links will be provided, allowing people of various nationalities, whether Brazilian, American, European, Japanese, or of any other origin, to contribute.

This text contains images that may cause disturbance to some sensitive readers.

A Brief Introduction

The floods that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul in 2024 represented an extreme weather event that left a trail of destruction in the state. Until May 8, the effects of the intense rains and floods were as follows:

  • More than 1.3 million people affected, including displaced, homeless, and injured individuals.
  • 95 confirmed deaths, with the number of fatalities still rising, and 131 people missing.
  • 401 impacted municipalities, totaling approximately four times more than in 2023.
  • Extensive damage to residences, commercial establishments, infrastructure, and crops, estimated in billions of reais by the state governor.
  • The floods were the result of a combination of factors such as intense and persistent rains, river overflow, and inadequacies in the drainage of the affected areas.

Humanitarian organizations and the state government are mobilized to provide assistance to the victims of this tragedy. However, given the magnitude of the disaster, recovery will require time and considerable resources.

Timeline of Floods in Rio Grande do Sul in 2024 (in chronological order)

End of April:

  • Days 29 and 30: Heavy rains hit the state, with accumulations of over 400 mm in some cities.
  • Onset of floods: Cities and rural areas begin to be flooded by overflowing rivers and streams, as well as by flooding caused by heavy rain.


  • May 1st: The number of municipalities affected by floods exceeds 100.
  • May 2nd: The state government declares a state of emergency in 100 municipalities.
  • May 3rd: The number of confirmed deaths from floods reaches 39.
    The flooding of Guaíba, the lake surrounding the capital Porto Alegre, reaches 4.80 meters, surpassing the historic flood of 1941.
  • The federal government recognizes a state of public calamity in Rio Grande do Sul.
  • May 4th: The number of municipalities affected by floods rises to 354.
  • May 5th: The flooding of Guaíba reaches 5.33 meters, the highest level recorded in history.
  • The number of confirmed deaths from floods reaches 95.
  • May 6th: The number of municipalities affected by floods exceeds 400.
  • May 7th: The state government estimates that losses from floods could reach R$ 20 billion.
  • May 8th: The number of confirmed deaths from floods reaches 95, with 131 people missing. More than 1.3 million people were affected by floods.

This is just a general timeline of events. For more detailed information, please consult reliable sources such as the Civil Defense of Rio Grande do Sul. The situation is still developing, and information may change.

Check out some images that illustrate the magnitude of the tragedy.

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2015 Report and the 2024 Floods: A Dive into Controversy

In 2015, the Porto Alegre City Hall produced a detailed report on the dangers of flooding in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul. This document, which identified risk areas and proposed preventive measures, was inexplicably excluded in 2018, at the beginning of the federal government led by Jair Messias Bolsonaro’s administration, causing considerable controversy and apprehension.

The exclusion of the report led to accusations of negligence against the city hall, especially after the devastating floods that hit Porto Alegre in 2024. Critics argue that the document could have been crucial in avoiding or minimizing the impact of the tragedy.

Amidst public outcry, the Porto Alegre City Council established a Special Inquiry Commission (CEI) to investigate the case. The CEI seeks to determine the responsibilities for the exclusion of the report and assess whether the document contained relevant information for flood prevention.

Key Points from the 2015 Report:

Although the full content of the 2015 report is not available, some information about its content has been disclosed by the press:

  • Identification of risk areas: The document mapped areas of the city most prone to flooding, including neighborhoods located in floodplains and riverbanks.
  • Recommendations for preventive measures: The report proposed measures such as the construction of containment walls, river channeling, and the implementation of more efficient drainage systems.
  • Warnings about the dangers of new constructions in risk areas: The document warned about the risks of new constructions in areas susceptible to flooding, emphasizing the need for adequate urban planning.

2023 Report and the 2024 Floods in Rio Grande do Sul: An Analysis

In 2023, the Rio Grande do Sul State Legislative Assembly produced a report warning about the imminent floods in the state. This document highlighted the urgency of investing in preventive actions and flood control, but it was ignored by the state administration during Governor Eduardo Leite’s term. Additionally, we cannot fail to mention the neglect of the current federal administration, led by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Connection between the Report and the Tragedy:

  • Experts and local authorities point out that the lack of investment in preventive measures, as warned in the 2023 report, significantly contributed to the magnitude of the tragedy. Among the neglected measures are:
  • Cleaning and dredging of rivers and streams: The accumulation of sediment and debris in watercourses intensified the floods.
  • Construction of dams and other containment structures: These works could have reduced the volume of water that flooded the cities.
  • Implementation of warning and evacuation plans: The lack of adequate plans hindered the response of authorities and the protection of the population.
  • Improvement of urban drainage infrastructure: The insufficient capacity of drainage systems in cities exacerbated the flooding.

Other Recent Climatic Tragedies in Rio Grande do Sul in 2023 and 2024

The incident in May is not an isolated event. Other climatic tragedies have plagued Rio Grande do Sul in 2023 and 2024, highlighting the state’s vulnerability to extreme events:

In 2023:

  • In June, an extratropical cyclone devastated the state, resulting in 16 deaths and affecting more than 40 municipalities. Intense winds, hail, and torrential rains caused significant damage to residences, commercial establishments, and infrastructure.
  • In September, unprecedented floods ravaged the Taquari Valley after heavy rains, resulting in 50 deaths and thousands of homeless. This tragedy highlighted the absence of adequate infrastructure for drainage and flood control.
  • In November, storms accompanied by gales and hail hit various regions of the state, causing material damage and leaving thousands of people without electricity.

In 2024:

  • In January, heavy rains in the Northern Coast caused landslides and floods, affecting cities such as Torres and Tramandaí.
  • In February, gales and hail caused havoc in several cities, including the capital, Porto Alegre.
  • In March, thunderstorms hit areas of the South and Serra gaúcha, resulting in fatalities and injuries.

The Impact of Floods in Rio Grande do Sul on Agricultural Production and World Supply

Rio Grande do Sul is one of Brazil’s and the world’s main agricultural hubs. The state is responsible for a significant portion of the national production of various items, such as:

Soybeans: Rio Grande do Sul is the second-largest soybean producer in Brazil, accounting for about 20% of the national crop. The floods affected about 2 million hectares of soybean crops, representing about 10% of the total planted area in the state.

Rice: The state is the largest rice producer in Brazil, with about 70% of the national production. The floods caused significant losses in the rice crop, estimated at about 1 million tons.

Corn: Rio Grande do Sul is also an important corn producer, with about 10% of the national production. The floods affected about 500,000 hectares of corn crops, representing about 5% of the total planted area in the state.

Meat: The state is one of the largest producers of beef and pork in Brazil. The floods caused the death of thousands of animals and affected meat production.

Other crops: The floods also affected the production of other important crops, such as wheat, beans, tobacco, and grapes.
Impact on National and Global Supply:

The loss of production in Rio Grande do Sul will have a significant impact on national and global food supply. Agricultural product prices have already risen in Brazil, and the trend is expected to continue in the coming months.

On the global stage, the loss of production in Rio Grande do Sul will also contribute to higher food prices. Brazil is one of the world’s largest food exporters, and the reduction in Brazilian supply will affect international markets.

Floods in Rio Grande do Sul: The Future

The devastating floods that ravaged Rio Grande do Sul in 2024 served as a sad reminder of the negligence and lack of planning that pervade the state’s and the country’s public management. The tragedy, which left a trail of deaths, homeless people, and billion-dollar losses, exposed the system’s failure to protect the population, the environment, and the state’s future.

In 2015 and 2023, detailed reports on the risks of flooding in Rio Grande do Sul were prepared, warning about risk areas and necessary preventive measures. However, these documents were ignored by the state and federal governments, which preferred to turn a blind eye to reality and follow the path of negligence.

The lack of concrete actions to mitigate the risks of natural disasters has become the norm for the Rio Grande do Sul government. Investments in adequate infrastructure, such as drainage and flood control systems, were insufficient, while urban planning failed to consider climate risks.

Amidst the tragedy, the state found itself relying on donations to assist victims and rebuild the damage. A state as rich as Rio Grande do Sul, with enviable agricultural and industrial potential, humbling itself in seeking external aid is a portrait of mismanagement of public resources and lack of priorities by the government.

The federal government, in turn, has also failed to rise to the occasion. The response to the tragedy was slow and ineffective, demonstrating the lack of a national plan to deal with large-scale natural disasters.

The current administration, both state and federal, boasts of palliative measures but fails to address the root of the problem. Instead of seeking structural and permanent solutions, such as rigorous environmental regulation and fair taxation of large companies that degrade the environment, the focus is on the small consumer, with measures such as tariff increases.

A radical rethink is urgently needed in how the state and the country deal with climate risks and natural disasters. Large corporations, landowners, and public and private companies that exploit natural resources recklessly must be held accountable for the damage caused and forced to change their practices.

Government actions should aim to protect the people, fauna, and flora, instead of sacrificing them in the name of profit and unrestrained exploitation. Investment in disaster prevention and mitigation measures, scientific research, and the implementation of public policies promoting sustainable development are necessary.

It is true that climate change is a real and urgent challenge, but all is not lost. Contrary to what many think, change does not need to be extreme, and although we are close to a tipping point, we still have time to act and avoid the worst consequences.

The COVID-19 pandemic, devastating as it has been, has provided us with a glimpse of a different world. With the world on pause, nature has rebounded, pollution has decreased, and wildlife has flourished. This brief respite has shown us that, with small changes, we can have a significant impact on the environment.

The 2024 Floods must not be forgotten. They should serve as a warning for us to change course before it’s too late.

Donation Methods to Help Flood Victims in Rio Grande do Sul:

You have the option to make donations on online platforms such as Vakinha and Benfeitoria.

Another option is the initiative called Mission Seeds of Solidarity, in which the Movement of Small Farmers (MPA) collaborates on behalf of Caritas Brasileira.

PIX: CNPJ 33654419/0010–07
Current Account: 55450–2
Agency: 1258–3

Contributions to MTST’s Solidarity Kitchens can be made through Banco do Brasil, using the following information:

Agency: 1230–0
Current Account: 118806–2
PIX: 733164570001–83

For more donation options, visit:

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George Dmitry Reul Gilligan

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