Jetty 10.0.18 : Installation procedure

Prakash Rajendran
2 min readNov 3, 2023


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Jetty is a Application server and Web server and open source. It can be easily used for deploying java application. It is using modular architecture provides specific functionalities with highly customizable and can be add or removed based on the requirement.

Modular architecture allows developers to choose and configure only those required modules into Jetty server.

  1. One can downloading jetty 10.0.18 by clicking on below URL,

If you looking for alternative version then you can use below URL and requesting to follow corresponding installation,

2. Extract all the files and folder from the folder,

(Assume I have extracted under D:\Software\Jetty\jetty-home-10.0.18)

Extracted jetty-home-10.0.18

3. Create a folder with jetty-base outside of jetty-home-10.0.18,

jetty-base folder

4. Open jetty-base folder location in CMD and enter below command,

java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar — add-module=server,http,deploy

Replace $JETTY_HOME with path of jetty_home location, I have added

java -jar D:\Software\Jetty\jetty-home-10.0.18/start.jar — add-module=server,http,deploy

This command to add Server, Http and Deploy module into Jetty server.

After executing command in CMD for module into jetty
After executing module commands

The above command will create a directories contains configuration for jetty server

Under webapps folder *.war files can be deployed.

Below command can be used to view list of all the module for jetty server,

java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar — list-modules=*

Thanks for reading! Hope the article is helpful.

