How to Chart Your Course

Pramana Collective
2 min readDec 2, 2019


At Pramana we talk a lot about inflection points. We see these as moments of truth that set your course for years to come. For some organizations, it’s their beginning, an introduction to the world. For others, it’s a moment to double down, to scale up, or the call to reinvent for a new era. In these critical moments, the organizations that succeed know to take a step back and understand who they are and how that identity positions them to turn a challenge into an opportunity.

If you don’t know us, we are a brand and communications strategy consultancy that helps companies prepare for and navigate these moments. To do that, we work from the inside out using a methodology that surfaces an organization’s true identity and uses it to align brand strategy, business decisions, and internal culture.

If you do know us, you’ll notice we’ve evolved. Our focus has always been on articulating an organization’s true identity, but living this identity requires more than just external marketing and communications strategies and consistent messaging; it requires foundational internal alignment as well. This alignment of brand, culture and business strategy creates an incomparable engine of performance.

Since our founding in 2013, we’ve worked with over 120 companies of all types — from consumer technology to enterprise, healthcare to transportation, Fortune 50s to startups. While facing different inflection points in different industries and markets, each had a need for speed balanced with smart management of complex dynamics.

If this sounds like you or a company you know, check out our new website and tell us about your inflection point.

